Monday, December 30, 2019

Influence Of A Great Philosopher And The Metaphysic Of...

The Influence of a Great Philosopher and the Metaphysic of Divine Providence. Marcus Tullius Cicero was born on January 3rd 106 BC in Arpinum and assassinated on the 7th of December 43 BC (Cicero, 2016) Cicero was murdered during the consulship of the 2nd Catilinarian conspiracy. Cicero executed five conspirators during the chaotic latter in the 1st Century BC marked by the civil wars and under the dictatorship of Gaius Julius Caesar. Cicero returned to the republic government after the late Julius Caesar death Cicero became an enemy to Mark Anthony. After a power struggle Cicero was executed being an enemy to the state by the second Triumvirate in 43 BC. As an ancient leader Cicero successful leadership and background trait promoted great abilities. Cicero was a Roman philosopher, orator, politician theorist, consul, lawyer, and a Constitutionalist. In addition, the interconnection amongst the great historical philosopher’s alike Cicero concludes a strategy to conform unity i n communication. The Cicero influence interface European literature and ideas exceeding the aim for communicating thoughts by merely recognizing one object can connect to various objects in the realms of humanizing faith matters. The focus needed to be reconstructed since the western physics has had a misconception of the forces and particles in â€Å"Space time† and how it related to divine providence which has a nature and a force of its own. Cicero scientific founded through the Latin language exposingShow MoreRelated Hinduism and Buddhism Essay6699 Words   |  27 Pagestheologians have interpreted the term God as representing some kind of abstract principle of good. This view was first developed in the ancient Indian Upanishads where God is equated with an abstract principle, the Brahman. The ancient Indian philosophers could entertain such a view because they also had a theory of karma, which really does away with the need for a personal God. Buddhists too have a theor y of karma, which is different from that of the Hindus, and which even more unequivocally dispensesRead Moreontemporary Thinkers: Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Aguinas Essay6220 Words   |  25 Pageseducation, both theoretical and practical, continues until the age of fifty. Literature, music, physical and military instruction, elementary and advanced mathematics, philosophy and metaphysics, and subordinate military and civilian- service assignments are the stages of the planned program of training philosopher-rulers.†(E. amp; E. , pg 7) This class of people exclude individual interests, such as private property, material possessions, and love. This class puts wisdom above all else, and eventually

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Red Convertible--Analysis - 1982 Words

Returning Home: The Lasting Effects Casualties of war continue to happen long after the individuals time in combat has come to an end. To the public’s eye, veterans returning home must be overwhelmed with joy to be out of danger and put back into the world they once knew. But are they? Veterans returning home from combat experience are faced with the difficult task of coping with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and its side effects, because of their experiences in combat. In Lousie Erdrich’s, â€Å"The Red Convertible† and Wilfred Owen’s, â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est† we can see how and why a returning veteran, such as Henry, would have trouble readapting to his former environment and handling the symptoms of PTSD. First, in order for us†¦show more content†¦Within his poem he describes some of the struggles of war. He states, â€Å"Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots But limped on, blood shod. All went lame; all blin d; Drunk with fatigue†(709). He describes the overwhelming exhaustion that war takes on the human body. The body continues to fight on and survive. He continues with, â€Å"Gas! Gas! Quick, boys!--An ecstasy of fumbling, Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time†(709). This description allows us to realize that even when the body was at complete exhaustion, as described earlier, the men stay vigilant at all times in order to stay alive. At any moment death could be at their doorstep and they must be ready to combat it. Not all men were able to react as quickly as need be in wartime, as described by, â€Å"As under a green sea, I saw him drowning. In all my dreams before my helpless sight, He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.†(709). He is unable to do anything for his dying brother, friend and fellow soldier. This is the most important glimpse into what soldiers face in the field of battle that stays with them for the rest of their lives. At poi nts within the war, many were faced with the realization that somebody very close was dying right in front of them and there was nothing they could do to assist them. This poem can serve as the missing link for the reader to, attempt, to imagine what Jenkins 4 everyday life could be like during wartime for Henry. Even though thisShow MoreRelatedCritical Analysis Of The Red Convertible2200 Words   |  9 PagesPedro Ramirez English 2100 Critical Analysis Essay 11/6/17 Being an outsider is a common experience that can be difficult for people to overcome and describe. â€Å"The Red Convertible† is a good example of an outsider and can breakdown what it’s like to be in this social status. This short story shows Henry’s transition to becoming an outsider, and all the changes that occur to him differentiates an insider from an outsider. Henry is seen by his younger brother, Lyman, as a bestRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Red Convertible 951 Words   |  4 PagesThe Red Convertible is a story about the relationship that two brothers share before and after the eldest goes to war. In the beginning of the story we meet the brothers, Henry and Lyman. It then becomes apparent that the younger of the two, Lyman, is the narrator. (Erdrich 103) Lyman worked his way up to owner of a restaurant and Henry worked at a Jewel Bearing Plant. Not long after, Henry recieves his two weeks pay after being laid off from his job at the plant and Ly man has been given an insuranceRead MoreAnalysis Of Cathedral And The Red Convertible 1362 Words   |  6 PagesSukhpreet Kaur Professor Robert Sternberg EAC 150 Date- August 5, 2016 Topic - In both â€Å"Cathedral† and â€Å"The Red Convertible,† one character attempts to help another overcome a state of unhappiness and hopelessness. Happiness and Hope are the two most important blessings in life. Happiness is the ultimate reason for living. It is not relevant just to a single person but it is important for the whole global community. Hope is that great thing in life that gives strength to people to live life, evenRead MoreAn Analysis Of The Red Convertible By Louise Erdrich1018 Words   |  5 PagesThe Red Convertible The short story â€Å"The Red Convertible† by Louise Erdrich is a story the author uses to shed light on the effects of mental illness on Vietnam era returning combat veterans. The story includes the effects not just on the veterans, also on their family and community. The acceptance and treatment of mental illness in veterans takes on new meaning with the recent increase in veterans returning from extended periods of service suffering from the disease of mental illness. The treatmentRead MoreThe Red Convertible Short Story Analysis Essay774 Words   |  4 PagesChase Brown Oliva 9/22/12 English 102 Short Story Analysis: The Red Convertible â€Å"The Red Convertible† by Louise Erdrich is a short story about two Native American brothers, Lyman and Henry, and their growing bond as brothers. Symbolism is used rather heavily in this story. One of the main symbols of the story, as noted in the title, is the red convertible. The red convertible symbolizes the relationship status of the two brothers, and the struggles they face as Henry is drafted into theRead MoreEssay on Literary Analysis: The Red Convertible 1874 Words   |  8 Pagesdistanced portrayal of events. However it can also be an expression of perceptive truth, events are experienced much they would be in real life – confusing and disjointed. To look into these narrative elements of text, I will use examples from â€Å"The Red Convertible† by Lois Erdrich to demonstrate how Lyman’s narration style is representative of psychoanalytic concepts, showing how he deals with the situations presented in his life. Oftentimes the lens we use when interpreting any art is based on ourRead MoreAnalysis Of The Red Convertible By Louise Erdrich2044 Words   |  9 Pageslives and a lot of money, but it also has serious influences on veterans. In the short story â€Å"The Red Convertible,† written by Louise Erdrich, concerns a relationship of an American brothers, Lyman and Henry before and after the Vietnam War. Before the war, they are close, happy, and passionate. They travel together throughout the country and share lots of beautiful memories with the red convertible, which they truly appreciate. However, when the war begins, Henry has to join the army and fight inRead MoreAn Analysis Of Louise Erdrich s The Red Convertible 840 Words   |  4 Pagesimportant than the characters of the story. In Louise Erdrich s The Red Convertible, the car played the same important role as the characters did, but for different reasons. Two brothers, Lyman and Henry, had very little in common other than their blood. One day they decided to catch a ride to Winnipeg. The car was introduced while these two were doing some sightseeing in the city. They spotted the red Oldsmobile convertible. Lyman, the storyteller, almost made the car a living thing when he saidRead MoreAnalysis Of The Story Red Convertible The Two Brothers 997 Words   |  4 PagesIn the short story Red Convertible the two brothers, as close as they are, you really never know how someone is or feels or acts unless you truly know what they’ve been through or if you are them and have gone through what they’ve been through. The brother have always been close they’re whole life but the split really changes one. Lyman and Henry really have a true connection with each other. The car they bought together without really thinking twice about it and they shared it really just showsRead MoreThe Red Convertible1584 Words   |  7 Pagesculture, the red is the color of faith, and represents communication. The short story The Red Convertible by Louise Erdrich is more than an emotional story about the lives of two Chippewa brothers who grew up together on an Indian reservation in North Dakota. Erdrich uses metaphor, symbol, vivid imagery and a simple writing style to allow the reader to understand the text while also providing the opportunity to read a lot into the story. Written in the first person by Lyman Larmartine, The Red Convertible

Friday, December 13, 2019

Dr Pepper Analysis Free Essays

Individuals, companies, schools, restaurants Bargaining power: low, since Coke supplies a numerous variety of products buyers do to have a huge impact on pricing and quantity. Also, customers develop brand loyalty to Coke, thereby making it difficult for buyers to affect prices and quantities as well. Suppliers: fasted restaurants, vending machines, school campuses. We will write a custom essay sample on Dr Pepper Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Bargaining power: very high, since companies can easily provide Pepsi products which serve as excellent substitutes. Compliments: pizza, burgers, hot dogs, chips, etc SOOT Strengths Weaknesses Concentrated in North America (US, Canada, Mexico where almost 70% of revenues come from Health Craze will hurt soft drink sales Opportunities Acquisitions alliances Bottled water growth Hispanic growth in the US and Pepsin’s ability to meet their tastes with current product lines (I. E. , Substrata chips) Growth In emerging markets Growing consumer health consciousness will help Pepsi as It Is already a leader In non-carbonated drinks with brands Storage, Aquifer, Lipton; and also with healthy food brands such as Quaker oats. Threats Declining economy/recession Sluggish growth of carbonated drinks Coca-Cola ; other smaller, more nimble operators Commodity price increases, fluctuating oil prices effect production and distribution gas, plastic) IV) SOOT annals;s of PEPSICO Soot consists of examining the current activities of the organization: its strengths and weaknesses, and then using this and external research data to set out the opportunities and threats that exist. A. Internal Strong market position PepsiCo NAS a tremendous presence on ten snack Ana sort rural market. Inane, TN company owns 25% of the non-alcoholic drinks market and 39% of the snack market. * Good economic situation In 2008, PepsiCo was ranked 26th on the top 100 of the global brands ranking in 2008. The same brand value company has raised PepsiCo as an example during the recession: â€Å"Amazon, Pepsi, Audio, Panasonic, and Campbell have all prospered during a challenging year for marketing executives. † PepsiCo most famous brands are all very famous and successful. Thanks to this notoriety, PepsiCo annual sales reach $35 billion. Rand’s Popularity of Pepsi has a wide range of brands. These brands are more famous than the Coca Cola Company’s ones. For example: people know what Lipton Teas, Tropical beverages or Traitors Tortilla Chips refer to, whereas: who has heard of Pike, Chino r Spur? On this point, PepsiCo is inexorably in a strong position. * Presence PepsiCo has spread its presence in over 200 countries. Products from this brand are sold all over the world. * Diversification PepsiCo brands include drinks and snacks such as ready-to-drink refreshments, bottled water, cereals, crisps or school-snacks. This wide range of product enables the brand to settle down in any place of the world. Lack of capital constraints (availability of large free cash flow) Strong market position Solid brand portfolio Strong revenue growth Economies of scale Broader product line Popular brand of pop * Geographical concentration PepsiCo tends to focus its activity in North America (US, Canada, Mexico). Almost 70% of revenues come from this region. * Dependence on important clients A big part of PepsiCo sales (12%) are made to Wall-Mart, which creates a dependence supplier-client. Consequently, Wall-Mart’s strategy influences PepsiCo actions, especially on lowering prices. * Bad remunerations PepsiCo employees are less paid than the competitors’ ones. It may alter the employees’ excellence or productivity: they might want to work for a company that revives higher salaries for the same Job. * High recall I en product recalls are Deterrent. I en problem nerve Is Tanat ten return causes are internal: the defects come from the production, they don’t come from transports or storage. For example: the salmonella case forced PepsiCo to recall $200,000 worth of pistachios in the US in 2009. Product recalls decrease the final customers’ confidence in the brand. It inevitably alters the company’s image. B. External Threats * New measures for health Many occidental governments are creating new regulations and campaigns in order to change people’s eating behavior. Snacks and soft drinks are the first â€Å"victims† of this ideological renewal. Coca-Cola is the worst competitor for DRP Pepper because it is more powerful in terms of image and notoriety. In this sector, competition is so sharp that it has a direct influence on prices and sales. * Many successful brands DRP Pepper brands are successful, well-known and they have a good reputation. The products sold by the company are still very popular to the public. A good marketing activity maintains the company in a good situation and confers it a good image. * Quest of other markets If the fact to be concentrated on North America is a weakness, let’s say that this is also an interesting challenge of market conquest, for example in Russia or Asia. PepsiCo is powerful; it has enough resources to develop all around the world. * Customer’s well-being An important value, which growth is correlated to new regulations on health, is the customer’s well-being. It has become the guideline of a marketing operation in the soft drinks market. This notion gives PepsiCo the opportunity to increase innovation for soft drinks. Indeed, the more original and creative you are, the more successful your product will be. How to cite Dr Pepper Analysis, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Operation Management Reflection Paper †

Question: Discuss about the Operation Management Reflection Paper. Answer: Institutional Affiliation Management operation: thought process behind an action plan The process of brainstorming on a plan to make kidney dialysis fluid was mainly based on quality, cost, and storage. Questions asked in the action plan sought to answer quality and availability expectations for not only the patients but also the hospitals and dialysis centers, which are target as the market for the product. In my view, the target market was also a consideration since it is important to know how substantial the target market is and if it can support the business once operations begins. This consideration would include hospitals known to have dialysis machines and any specialized knowledge needed in the operation. Common complications arising from dialysis like anemia, low blood pressure and fluid retention were also studied for the possibility of research and development coming up with a fluid concentration causing less related complications(Biernacki Pittsburgh, n.d). We also addressed the availability of delivery schedules with consideration for any necessary pre-dialysis periods by the hospital and to plan production volumes, which would determine required technology and it, cost, a factor, which would be included in the budget to be presented to potential investors(Symons Goldstein, 2011). Production personnel required would help in the knowledge of which steps in the production process could be automated. In addition, we also believed that it would help to approximate the number of employees needed, including the average expected salary, which would form part of the budget. Knowledge of raw materials would influence location of production industry based on the cost and difficulty of their transportation. Because being cost effective is one of the goals in doing business, the cheaper method of storage, which is hiring a warehouse whose maintenance would be the owners responsibility was chosen. I believe this approach would also help in searching for potential suppliers and think of suitable ways to test supplies for quality. Before any production plant is set up, it must adhere to standards set by environmental organizations and follow all set legal procedures by the government. In my opinion, I presume that improving the process would mean to make it much faster and possibly with better results. Automation is a precise, fast, and labor-intensive way of improving the process and can be applied to quality assurance, mixing, and size reduction processes. We gathered our information from medical journals on the dialysis process, optimal composition of the fluid, complications arising from dialysis, and the defined limits of what dialysis can and cannot do. After this research, we discovered that there is room for improvement in this field and that the process is very delicate, requiring precise amounts of its different components. Each individual in the tutorial group was assigned a facet of the report, which they were to analyze in depth. The best primary system definition assumed in our inquiry is that of a system to define chemical inputs to achieve a predicted chemical product, which means that the various components were defined by their specific measurements and used to make the kidney dialysis fluid. However, an alternative definition which would apply is a system to define chemical inputs to improve a predicted chemical product, which in this case meant that as much as production of a dialysis fluid has a standard formula, through research and development we intend to create a similar or better product using different means. Bibliography Biernacki, A., Pittsburgh. (n.d). Kidney care begins with kidney smart. Retrieved March 18, 2018, from Divata Kidney Care. Symons, J. M., Goldstein, S. L. (2011). Pediatric Renal Replacement Therapy in the Intensive Care Unit. In Pediatric Critical Care. Elsevier Inc. Hemodialysis, A. (2006). Clinical practice guidelines for hemodialysis adequacy, update 2006. American journal of kidney diseases: the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation, 48, S2. Block, G. A., Raggi, P., Bellasi, A., Kooienga, L., Spiegel, D. M. (2007). Mortality effect of coronary calcification and phosphate binder choice in incident hemodialysis patients. Kidney international, 71(5), 438-441.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

5 Tips for Making the Most of Your Journal Submission Cover Letter

5 Tips for Making the Most of Your Journal Submission Cover Letter Whether you plan to publish your research in a top-tier journal or in a lesser known publication, writing an impactful cover letter is a must. Editors use these letters to sift through the mounds of manuscripts they receive on a weekly basis and will judge the merits of your abilities as a researcher and writer based on them. In short- a cover letter is your opportunity to make the editor want to read more.In this article, Im going to cover five useful tips for making the most of the opportunity to catch an editors attention with a well-written cover letter.A well-written cover letter is the best way to get an editors attention if you want to publish your research in an academic journal. Photo by Andisheh A on Unsplash.Do your researchAcademic and peer-reviewed journals vary in their reach and audience. Some might publish a broad scope of topics but most are focused on certain fields of study, which means that editors know exactly what will fit in their publication and what wont. Sen ding your research to a journal without knowing their audience is a waste of time and effort, particularly if your research is outside of the journals scope.Research of the publications goals and aims, as well as prior studies they have published, will go a long way in ensuring that you dont waste your time (or the editors). Taking the time to do some background research will help you plan which journal you should send your manuscript to and which journal will be most likely to publish it.In the same sense, you should find out all you can about the person who will be reading your cover letter and making a decision on whether to include it in the publication. For example, you should address the editor by name in the salutation. If you dont know the editors name, find a recent copy of the publication or go online to look it up. It also never hurts to call the journal and ask who the editor is and make sure you have the name spelled correctly. Addressing the editor as Dear Madam or Dea r Sir, or addressing your letter to a prior editor of the publication shows that havent done the legwork needed to find the best fit for your research.After youve introduced the title of your paper, the author(s), and what type of research it is (a case study, review, etc.), it will be important to focus on why you think your work is a good fit for the publication. If the journal has published research related to the topic youve chosen, point that out by writing the title(s) and the date published. If they have published a study that calls for additional research on a certain topic and your study fulfills that aim, point that out as well. If your study fills a gap in the literature, let the editor know.Publications often have specific requests of information to be included with a manuscript or in your cover letter. Ultimately, editors of academic journals want to know that your manuscript will be worth their time if they decide to read it. They need to look at your cover letter and recognize that you are professional, a good writer, a solid researcher, and able to follow directions. If you fail to include the specific details theyve requested, your credibility as a researcher could be damaged before theyve even looked at your research. It doesnt matter how great your research is- it might not make it past the gatekeepers of academic journals if your cover letter is a mess.Include all relevant informationWhile different publications might have specific requests for information that needs to be included in a submission, there are certain things that are standard requirements for a cover letter written to an academic journal editor. These are:The title of your manuscriptThe author(s) of your manuscriptA statement noting that your manuscript has not been previously published and you havent sent it to any other editors for considerationThe background of your studyThe research question you sought to answer in your studyThe methodology you used in your researchThe si gnificance of your research and why it will be useful information to the journals audienceThe name of the journal and why you chose this particular one to submit your work toIf you fail to include the last detail, you run the risk of making your cover letter sound more like a form document that could be sent to any journal. Editors want to know that youve put in the time to find the best publication in which to publish your study. It gives them confidence that your research will be solid and interaction with you, as a writer, will be a smooth process.Keep it brief, professional and error freeYour journal submission cover letter is not the place to go into detail about your academic experience and publishing credits. Its also not the place to name drop, humor the editor, or present an abstract of your research. If the editor is interested in reading more about your research, he or she will have the manuscript to do so. Name dropping will make you seem unprofessional and unable to get your work published on its own merits.Additionally, your manuscript should be free of grammar errors or spelling mistakes. Even the slightest error could mean losing credibility with the editor, because they know if youve carelessly put together a cover letter- the one document that should sell your manuscript- youve likely dont the same with your paper. And no journal editor wants to make extensive corrections to an authors writing. It only makes their job harder and is an unattractive prospect.Carefully reviewing your cover letter for errors could make the difference between being published or passed over. Photo by Bruce Mars from Pexels.Consider following a templateA cover letter for submitting your manuscript to academic journals should be in business letter format, single-spaced, with blank lines between paragraphs. Dont indent the beginning of each paragraph and dont use a font that is difficult to read. Letterhead may be used and a date should be included, along with the sta ndard return address and recipients address.Below is a template to work around to create your journal submission letter. Keep in mind that journals have different requirements and will typically list these submission guidelines on their website. For example, some journals want you to include potential reviewers for your manuscript, along with their contact information. This template should be adapted to include everything they request, as well as specific, brief information about your research and why its important for it to be made available to their readers.Your nameYour street addressCity, State zip codeYour phone numberYour email addressDateThe editors nameThe journals nameThe journals street addressCity, State zip codeDear Ms/Mr. [editors last name],Thank you for the opportunity to submit my original research article entitled [name of article] for your consideration for publication in [name of journal]. In focusing on [the research question of your study], this work builds on p rior studies on [background information related to your research]. Through [briefly discuss your methodology], I believe it fills a gap in the literature by [summarize the significance of your research].In the June 2018 issue of [the name of the journal], you published a study by [authors name] that called for additional research in [your area of expertise]. This manuscript answers that call by presenting various case studies related to [your area of study/research and additional details about your manuscript].[Journal name] seeks to [discuss the scope or vision of the journal] and this research fulfills that aim. It has not been published and is not under consideration elsewhere because I believe your readers are the best audience for it. [Briefly explain why their readers would benefit from reading your work.]Should you find my research appropriate for your publication, I would like to suggest the following reviewers:[Names and contact information of reviewers]Thank you for your c onsideration and I look forward to your response.Sincerely,[Your name]Get someone else to look over itFor researchers, publication in a top-tier journal is an achievement that can mean significant exposure and credibility. Many higher education professors must publish in a peer-reviewed journal in order to gain tenure or even keep their job. These reasons alone should suggest that a cover letter to an academic journal is one document that can make a lot of difference in your life, career, and future. Its not a task to take lightly and should be given the time and attention needed to get it perfect.With this in mind, it is always a good idea to have someone else look over it- preferably a professional copyeditor who is familiar with what needs to go into the letter to make it shine. If you know others who have been successful in getting their research published, either in the journal to which you are applying or elsewhere, go to them for advice on your cover letter. They might have t he exact suggestion you need to make sure the editor pays attention.

Monday, November 25, 2019

How to Make Homemade Dry Shampoo

How to Make Homemade Dry Shampoo Dry shampoo is a type of shampoo that you apply to dry hair and blow or brush out, taking excess oil and grime with it. You can buy a dry shampoo, but its super-cheap to make it, plus you get to customize the formula. Here are several easy and inexpensive recipes for homemade dry shampoo. Dry Shampoo Ingredients You can use any of these ingredients as a dry shampoo or you can mix together several ingredients, depending on what you have available. corn starchcorn mealground oatmeal (use a spice mill or coffee grinder to powder oatmeal)baking sodatalcum powder or baby powderarrowroot powder (great for blonde or light hair)cocoa powder (great for dark hair, especially if you dont want any white powder)couple of drops of essential oil (optional, for fragrance) Good choices for essential oil include grapefruit oil, peppermint oil, or eucalyptus oil. If you prefer, you can omit the oil completely or else rub a small amount on your hands and run your hands through your hair to scent it. Example Recipe: 1/4 cup corn starch2 drops peppermint oil How To Use Dry Shampoo Make sure your hair is completely dry. If it is damp, the powder will form clumps. Its called dry shampoo, right?Sprinkle the powder onto your hair from a height of several inches or apply it using an old makeup brush. Your goal is to get an even distribution of the powder, not blanket your head.Either comb the dry shampoo through your hair or use a blow dryer on its cool setting to distribute the powder.You can brush out the dry shampoo or bend down and shake it out with your fingers. Making a Wet-Dry Shampoo Another option is to make a wet-dry shampoo, which contains the same ingredients, plus a quick-evaporating liquid. You can spritz this product onto your hair and brush it out when your hair is dry. Make this type of homemade dry shampoo by adding a bit of rubbing alcohol or vodka to the dry ingredients. Note the alcohol will have a refreshing, cooling effect, but overuse of this type of dry shampoo may cause your scalp to feel dry. Cheesecloth Method If you dont have any of these ingredients or simply dont want to add anything to your hair, another option is to wrap a brush with a layer of cheesecloth. Brush your hair, depositing excess oil onto the cloth.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

With reference to Bourdieu's theory of distinction and other Essay

With reference to Bourdieu's theory of distinction and other relevant theorists on social class, give a detailed example of how a specific habitus shapes consumer behaviour - Essay Example In this status hierarchy a person develops his/her social class. With reference to 1960s -70s France; Pierre Bourdieu has analysed the society in great detail. He worked on how the knowledge and usage of different cultural relics have shaped over time. In addition to this he also examined how people develop certain taste for food, clothing, music and their overall lifestyle. Bourdieu also studied the uncountable struggles between various classes and the emergence of their fragmentation in today’s capitalist society. He taught people how to alter their perceptions and expectations when they are at a stage of the hierarchy and at the same time he provided options to people to compete for the class position they desire (Bourdieu, 1984). Some of the concepts explained by Bourdieu are clarified in the following section. â€Å"The projection of capital on to a particular axis with an aim to create a constant, linear and homogenous series which helps in identifying the social hierarchy involves a tough operation. In doing this, various types of capital are brought down to one single standard. This theoretical phenomenon has an objective foundation; exchange rates differ according to the power relation amongst the owners of the capital (Giddens, 1994). There is a prerequisite for reducing the spaces between the capital to one dimension, however, if someone willingly converts the capital, the creation of a two-dimensional space clarifies that the importance of exchange rates. Therefore, Bourdieu has extended the phenomenon of capital on the basis of an underlying idea in which capital is converted in normal sense. Although Bourdieu has not explicitly spelled out the foundation of different types of capitals and their conversion rates; they can be deduced by further researches. Capital is capable of bu ilding a relation between two people in a particular social space, but this principle does not necessarily create an absolute order of the society, along

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8

Management - Essay Example ause the nature of the relationship is a subjective one, the leader is unable to determine whether any progress is being made, despite the fact that he is responsible for accountability. One of the things that a manager has to teach his sales representatives is the ability to bend and flex and adapt their sales pitch and styles to suit the needs of different customers. In the insurance industry in particular, there are certain standardized packages that are available, however a sales representative needs to be able to tailor his sales talk in such a manner that it suits the needs of the particular customer. Therefore, the most important lesson that a manager can teach his representatives is how to ask customers the right questions, by formulating at least 20 different types of questions that the customer can be asked in order to determine their needs. Once such answers have been obtained by the representatives for these key questions, they will be able to do things that are inexpensive, thoughtful and also inexpensive at the same time. (Acuff and Wood, 2004, p 190). The manager must teach the sales person how to understand what the customer desires by asking the necessary questions and then try to determine how best a particular product can meet that need, or how it can be tailored or modified slightly to meet the need. Therefore sales people should not focus exclusively on the customer or exclusively on the product but rather focus on bringing about a synergy between the two and managers should teach their salespeople how to achieve this.(Acuff and Wood, 2004, p192) The manager must also teach the sales person that his or her goal is to help customers understand that the company’s product is worthwhile. In the insurance business, the manager must therefore teach the sales people how to emphasize and focus upon the benefits of the products, in that it provides insurance against accidents and liabilities. By teaching sales people to focus upon the attributes of

Monday, November 18, 2019

FinalTake-Home Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

FinalTake-Home Exam - Essay Example This urban phenomenon is actually the effect of the larger American policies of relating the nation’s economic structure with the global economy. In the decades following the 1970s, huge corporate owners and multimillionaires have encouraged the fall of â€Å"Fordist-Keynesian model of accumulation† and have witnessed the growth of â€Å"neoliberal-globalization† model (Arena, 2012, p.xx). In order to cope with increasing globalization, the ultra rich class has used the tactics of stripping the urban areas of poverty and low-income classes. The idea was to shift the base of production to low wage areas in the south of the U.S. In these areas, business activities are not dictated by labor unions and also there are close ties between state and local governments. Thus, the brunt of gentrification has been endured by the worker class since wages have declined sharply. On the other hand, the benefits fell on the affluent population of American cities. Gentrification h as essentially hindered the growth of production center as the focus was on expanding the service sector. During the second half of the twentieth century, the industrial areas of American cities were transformed into centers of urban amenities like hotels, restaurants, malls and so on. Thus, wealth began to get accumulated in the hands of the ultra rich making them even richer at the expense of poorer urban community. The author has explored the political struggles in New Orleans that occurred as a result of privatization of public housing. From 1960s onwards the U.S. federal government played a vital role for providing housing provisions at affordable rents, and for this the government promoted strategies that encourage financial sponsorship of the private owners of rental housing sectors. Contrary to the properties that are publicly owned, houses that are constructed solely for the purpose of providing housing at affordable rents were construction by support from federal programs like Low Income Housing Tax Credit launched in 1986, and home funds from National Affordable Housing Act of 1990 (Arena, 2012, p.4). Such subsidization of private housing has been supported by the political opponents since it was an appropriate process for delivery low rent housing provisions. It has been claimed that historically U.S. government has failed to provide quality public services at low price because of inefficient bureaucracies. Failure of the government encouraged private sectors to enter public service sector in order to provide quality services at affordable prices. This also enhanced the financial interest of the private sectors. The two housing projects, St. Thomas and Iberville were identified as lucrative areas by political and economic elites, especially the areas inhabited by the African American community. The area surrounding St. Thomas which was predominated by the Blacks was particularly regarded as a hindrance to tourism. The idea was to evict this communi ty in order to transform the cities’ factories, warehouses and low income housing to promote tourism. Struggle ensued when the responsibility of removing the Blacks fell on the black political elite. In the year 1986, two black candidates participated in the mayoral race. William Jefferson who was an Angle- African American became the mayor that year. The losing candidate, Sidney Barthelemy befriended the low

Friday, November 15, 2019

State Of Nature Would Be State Of War

State Of Nature Would Be State Of War Thomas Hobbes set out to account for political authority with the use of the State of Nature. He illustrated what life outside of society without any overall authority keeping anyone in check would be like. Hobbes identified the State of Nature with a State of War but used war in an extended sense, to include not just armed hostilities but any situation where there is no reasonable expectation that hostilities will not erupt. He argued that the known readiness to engage in acts of aggression amounts in itself to a State of War. Specifically there are three principal causes of quarrel (lev) which throw people into hostilities. These causes are competition, diffidence and glory (Lev p. 88) and together they ensure that the State of Nature is a State of War. The State of Nature put simply is a situation in which human beings have no government, no political institutions and the feelings that they engender and no executive forces such as a police force or army in other words, it is a condition of anarchy. The State of Nature is an idealisation, a model. (Engaging P.19) Hobbes uses the State of Nature to justify political authority, or as Hobbes calls it, the commonwealth. He does not describe literally everything that would be the case in the absence of political arrangements, but only those things that matter for explaining political authority. What Hobbes did, was to identify features of human nature and the human condition that are universal, that in no way depend upon political authority relations, and that are relevant to explaining political authority causally. The State of Nature can be considered as a condition from which people are to escape if political authority is to be justified. So the sole alternative to political authorit y is the State of Nature, however according to Hobbes, the State of Nature is unbearably nasty as what is crucial to the state of natures justificatory role is the fact that life in it is pretty grim. Therefore the sole alternative to political authority is unbearably nasty, hence imposing political authority is justified. Hobbes attempted to illustrate that subjection to authority is vastly preferable to anarchy the State of War; he held the view that if we had reasons to believe that political authority is much better than the State of Nature, then imposing political authority is justified. Hobbes attempted to demonstrate that the State of Nature is a State of War in order to justify political authority. He depicted the State of War as a place full of insecurity and uncertainty in order to further substantiate his claim. The State does not necessarily consist in actual fighting, but a known disposition thereto, during which there is no assurance to the contrary. (page 86 Leviathan). Hobbes depicted the State of War as a condition in which civilisation and its benefits are absent. Only through the organisation of society and the establishment of the commonwealth can civilisation be attained. One thing that Hobbes recognised about the natural condition of mankind was the relative equality of individuals within it. When Hobbes spoke of equality he did not mean equality in a moralised sense, but more the distribution of physical and mental endowments. Nature has made men so equal that, although some humans are manifestly stronger in body or of quicker mind, these endowments are distributed in such a way that even the weakest, slowest and dumbest among them can kill the strongest, fastest and smartest. Hobbes claimed that when all is reckoned together, the difference between man and man is not so considerable, all human beings are, in other words, vulnerable to assault at the hands of all others. Equality, for Hobbes, is based upon the equal ability to kill or conquer others so inevitably equality leads to conflict, a State of Nature will be a war of all against all.(leviathan p. Vii) In the State of Nature, there are three causes of conflict: competition, distrust and the desire for glory. Competition leads to fighting for grain, diffidence to fighting to keep what has been gained and glory to fighting for reputation. These sources of conflict arise from what Hobbes calls the equality of ability (lev) in men. This natural equality of men is not equality of rights or of worth but an equality of ability, which leads to equality of hope in attaining ones ends and so to competition. The right of each to all things invites serious conflict, especially if there is competition for resources, as goods -are in relatively short supply in the State of Nature.(Stamford) So if any two men want a single thing which cannot be attained by both, they will become enemies (page 84 Leviathan) Conflict can occur for example when someone has come to possess a better piece of land. If an invader would have nothing to fear but that one mans individual power, then it is more than likely that someone will choose to invade this estate and attempt to deprive the owner of his possessions. But then the successful invader will then be in similar danger from someone else. It is an endless cycle of conflict in the State of Nature, which inevitably creates hostile conditions. However, Hobbes claim that all men are equal is false. The very young, the very old and the infirm generally pose no mortal threat to able bodied persons in the prime of life and therefore there would be no competition in some circumstances. Whilst it was not Hobbess aim to describe what is literally the case, this does demonstrate that not all of his reasons were convincing when explaining why the State of Nature would be a State of War. Hobbes further illustrated a State of as a State of War as it is a place where nobody feels secure, each person has a reason to attack any other person, for fear of being attacked first; this is what Hobbes referred to as diffidence. Because of this distrust amongst men, the most reasonable way for anyone to make themselves safe is to strike first, so attack can be seen as the best form of defence in a State of War. And, because each person has roughly equal killing power, everybody is both a potential killer and a potential victim. The fact that each of them is liable to aggression from others means that each person has to treat every other person as an enemy. People dont just regard everyone as possible enemies, in the State of War everyone is an enemy. Hence diffidence makes people invade one another for safety. Hobbes quite rightly held that the State of Nature would be a State of War therefore as people would fear that others may invade them, and may rationally plan to strike fi rst as an anticipatory defense, a natural human instinct to preserve their own safety. Hobbes also said that The State of War arises from the nature of some people, mainly those who want others to value them as highly as they values themselves. Glory drives people to attack others to raise their value in the eyes of others. Glory is therefore a source of unwarranted aggression and when there is no common power to keep people at peace, conflict will occur which Hobbes quite rightly said. Hobbes had a particularly good reason for believing that the State of Nature would be one of war as morality has no place in this pre-political world that Hobbes created. Everyone has an interest in killing everyone else pre-emptively, whenever possible, and this is acceptable as nothing holds any individuals back from committing any immoral acts, humans would merely act as their interests dictate. In a State of Nature, by definition there are no rules, not even unenforceable ones that might deter some from committing such acts. Therefore even moral restrictions to do or withhold from doing certain things for example, not to kill have no effect in a State of Nature. Hobbess view was that in the natural State of War there are no objective moral distinctions. In this State of War of every man against every man nothing can be unjust. The notions of right and wrong, justice and injustice, have n place. Where there is no common power, there is no law, where no law, no injustice. Hobbes assumed that the state of nature would be a state of war as taking people as they actually are, if you were to remove all political institutions, the natural proclivities that would ensue would lead to a state of war. Notably, without political institutions, the natural impulses to self-preservation are doomed to failure. In the state of nature, that is our unhappy predicament. Natural right of self-preservation (ch. 14): the liberty each one has to use her/his own power for self-preservation. A central claim of Hobbes: It is rational to give up ones right to self-governance to a sovereign, if everyone else agrees to do the same. (See chapter 17, section 13) The natural state of war, therefore, is the state of affairs in which the individual is dependent for his security on his own strength and his own wits. In such conditions there is no place for hard work, because there is no assurance that it will yield results; and consequently no cultivation of the earth, no navigation or use of materials that can be imported by sea, no construction of large buildings, no machines for moving things that require much force, no knowledge of the face of the earth, no account of time, no practical skills, no literature or scholarship, no society; and-worst of all-continual fear and danger of violent death, and the life of man solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. Perhaps we would imagine that people might fare best in such a state, where each decides for herself how to act, and is judge, jury and executioner in her own case whenever disputes arise-and that at any rate, this state is the appropriate baseline against which to judge the justifiability of political arrangements.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Difficulty of Immigration in the 1900s versus Previously Essay

When most people think about immigration to the United States, they think of the U.S. as being the â€Å"land of opportunity,† where they will be able to make all of their dreams come true. For some people, immigration made their lives richer and more fulfilled. This however, was not always the case. A place that is supposed to be a â€Å"Golden Land† (Marcus 116) did not always welcome people with open arms. Even after people became legal citizens of the United States, often times the natural born Americans did not treat the immigrants as equals but rather as outsiders who were beneath them in some way. In some situations, people’s lives were made worse by coming to the â€Å"land of opportunity.† Often times people were living no better than they were in their own countries not able to make ends meet, just to live in the United States. Virtually all immigrants during the 1900’s had the same dream, to become successful and provide for their f amilies as citizens of the United States, but they soon found out that the life in their new country was not going to be easy. Throughout all of the readings and letters, there seemed to be a common theme faced by all of the immigrants, and that was hardship. Immigrants alike, no matter their country of origin, faced these hardships. The main thing that all of the immigrants wanted was to be able to have a real life and to be able to provide a better life for their children so they could have successful futures. While reading â€Å"Letters from the Great Migration,† it seemed as though each individual in their own words expressed the same dilemmas. Most of the people in their letters were trying very hard to get out of the South and move to the North in order to find decent work and to provide for their families. It seemed like they would endure pretty much anything to secure a job in the North, particularly the man from Houston, Texas. He says that he wants to find a job in the North so he can go â€Å"where a man is a man,† (Marcus 134). This shows that people from the South feel like their l ives could be fulfilled in a greater way in the North rather than in the South, where they currently reside. Particularly for the men, this quote seems to also suggest that the men in the South do not feel like real men, in the sense that they can’t find decent work in order to provide a good life for themselves or their families. It also appears t... ... such a wide variety of people â€Å"under one roof?† Although I am sure that it is still not easy to leave your family and come to a new land and start whole new life for yourself, I would have to imagine that it is a lot easier today based on the fact that people are now more educated and seem to be more accepting of change and diversity. Colleges for examples, jump at the opportunity to accept a student who is not 100% U.S. born. There are also many immigrants who are at the top of their fields. One great example is Arnold Schwarzenegger. Not only is he an accomplished actor in the United States, but he now holds office as Governor of the state of California, and he is not a natural born U.S. citizen. Immigration is a very important part of the history of the United States and continues to be today. Immigrants during the 1900’s had many hardships to face and sometimes the â€Å"golden land† was not so golden. Many immigrants had very high hopes about what their lives could have been like here in the U.S., and unfortunately only very few got to experience that great life. Although each of the readings had their differences, the theme of hardship seemed to prevail throughout.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Home Depot Business Proposal Essay

Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank founded Home Depot Corp in 1978 (The Home Depot, 2013). The business created strategic product analysis providing an assortment of items to consumers. From the beginning, workers have been able to deliver superior customer satisfaction in the business, helping consumers with jobs such as handling power tools, changing out parts on appliances, laying tile, etc. The Home Depot employees all underwent arduous training to familiarize each employee with products. In addition, the business began hosting workshops to teach consumers on how to do things themselves. Home Depot progressed into a globally known hardware retailer that has an inventory consisting of up to 40,000 various types of constructing and home improvement materials, supplies, outdoor, lawn and garden equipment, appliances, and more than 250,000 other items that can be acquired through special order online or in store (The Home Depot, 2013). Home Depot offers extensive dedication to developing every source in the creating an operational competitive advantage in addition to managing logistics surrounded by the supply chain. An impenetrable basis surrounded by the symbol of home improvement creates the opportunities impact and generates properties on obtaining policies, strategies and measures, which are recognized in Home Depot’s procurement technique. Variables Depending on the number of sellers in any one industry, the differentiation of products and the barriers to entry, a market structure could be an oligopoly, monopoly, perfect competition, or a monopolistic competition. The price elasticity of demand ranges from relatively low in a monopolistic market to very high in a perfectly competitive market. The higher the price elasticity of demand, the more a modification in cost will affect demand for product. The Home Depot asserts various domestic and international customers, ranking as the fourth leading home improvement merchant in the U.S. and fifth biggest in the world. Home Depot customers range from in-house associates to external novice homeowners to industrious commercial contractors. The Home Depot works closely with suppliers to ensure customer satisfaction globally, and domestically. The program is aimed to backup and heighten the service process for The Home Depot stores, deliver efficiencies to our Suppliers, enhance accountability, efficiency and effectiveness, ensuring a superior shopping experience to The Home Depot customers (The Home Depot, 2013). The business also offers a well-designed Internet site that emphasizes supplier collaboration. The New Supplier Toolbox designs create successful partnerships without complicated rerouting and puzzling forms. The material of Home Depot customers differ from needing insecticides to attaining enough drywall supplied to complete the inside of an entire home. The Home Depot also offers an innovative easy to use Internet site that highlights supplier teamwork. Even pricing and SKU number changes have clear procedures to follow ensuring The Home Depot and its partners interconnect. Looking up products is as easy as ever by simply entering the SKU number and selecting from a pictured list of products matching that numbe r. Revenue and Profit Maximization Understanding what the customer perceives as value is important. A company like Home Depot needs to review its services to maintain and develop a customer base. Adjustments in trends in the market because of economic factors or to the point that they current established practice of services does not meet the customer’s demands. The domestic outlook of expectations on procurement policies and procedures explains Home Depots Annual report. At one time, Home Depot set up design centers for kitchens and baths. These design centers are set as a service to the customer who would have embed Home Depot products into the designs of each customer’s home. Home Depot has altered its procurement strategies and purchasing measures. The business set up design examples of kitchen and bathroom designs. These design examples are set as a design service and example to the consumers who install Home Depot merchandise in the plans of his or her home remodel, renovation, or design. This strategy did not increase the production at each  store, as many consumers would take ideas from the example designs completed at the Home Depot and acquire similar merchandise from other stores like the Internet or other home improvement retailers. The procurement policy has changed to include higher product lines like Thomasville furniture and RIDGID tools known high-end items in the furniture and professional grade tools industry. In addition, Home Depot has collaborated with Martha Stewart Living offering a select brand of home improvement merchandise in certain types like paint, outdoor living, and home organization merchandise from Martha Stewart Living (Home Depot, 2013). By modifying strategies from internal industries such as example design stations that drive merchandise, the emphasis should be retaining the consumer through purchasing Home Depot’s products and guaranteeing that products remain available. Home Depot has changed their strategy and policy of purchasing to reflect the changes in the domestic market. Given is an outcome to raise demand for a service, fluctuating the demand curve to the right. By adding features to the provision or constructing it quicker or more dependable, Home Depot can lessen production outlays, shifting the supply curve to the right. Marginal Factors It is important to understand what patterns arise from the local markets when operating from a global perspective. Sourcing local markets is a serious link a company like Home Depot can establish. Setting a strategy for domestic sourcing creates a rooted market existence. From a global outlook, Home Depot preserves a global sourcing merchandise program. Home Depot maintains a global tracking merchandise database to source superior products straight from manufacturers all over the world (The Home Depot, 2013). Their merchant team recognizes and buys high demand advanced products directly for its various store locations. Moreover, Home Depot has sourcing headquarters located in China, India, Italy, Mexico, and Canada (The Home Depot, 2013). Revenue is maximized when Marginal Revenue equals Marginal Cost. To use it, a business needs to know how much it costs to produce one more unit of a service. By setting this global sourcing strategy, the anticipation for Home Depot is that it will understand what sells in a domestic market and sourcing from that specific area. Local connections and pricing will support Home Depot’s objective of global increase since the consumer base will  recognize local merchandise lines and supplies. A local area network can understand specific needs of that area. For example if a country like India has monsoon rains and winds the local office in India can understand the trends and seasons. Home Depot has developed these regional offices to understand the flow of goods to support its local customer base (The Home Depot, 2013). Moreover, having recognition in the local area can also respond to difficulties for that area. Pricing Home Depot’s procurement process summaries the business’s supplier facts inside the reference manual. This manual offers definite data to guarantee effective collaboration and partnerships. The ordering cycle for Home Depot’s consists of electronic data exchange needs, delivery statistics, buying order approaches, store environment settings, engineering superiority, customs compliance, and shipping restraints. Figure 1: The Home Depot Ordering Cycle Diagram Distribution statistics include product and packaging characteristics, freight requirements, and product flows (Amadeo, 2014). The Home Depot outlines distribution necessities to limit misperception and quandaries upon entrance. The data describes where product distributions should be contingent on point of foundation, creation, and final distribution. The final requirements of The Home Depot supplier reference manual include customs compliance and transportation. The Home Depot outlines how suppliers need to handle international imports or exports, from having the appropriate documentation to sufficient packaging and security. Home Depot summarizes how suppliers must handle worldwide imports or exports, from having the correct documentation to adequate packaging and security. Pricing strategies involve movement along the demand curve (Amadeo, 2014). In a marketplace with high price elasticity of demand, like a monopolistic competitive market, a small decrease in cost will have a huge influence on demand (Amadeo, 2014). Non-pricing strategies shifting the demand curve to the right include TV advertisements. This is a joint strategy in markets with low price elasticity of demand, such as oligopolies. Selecting a mixture of strategies having the greatest effect on demand in the business’s industry  may be best. Barriers and the Service Patents or lobbying for increased industry regulation, or making service expensive while entering the industry by selling a service that requires specialized tools in a workforce like Home Depot is a definite barrier entry. Money back guarantee is another option for dissatisfied service or products within product and service differentiation. Labor cost is reduced by capital. Operating Home Depot’s organization demands for the uppermost levels of merchandise excellence, modernization, obtainability, on-time delivery, security in fabrication and delivery, compliance with regulations and codes of conduct, and compassion to product reputation (The Home Depot, 2013). This is a major influence to the procurement strategy, policies, and procedures. The supply chain streamlines many global and domestic opportunities, product and service outsourcing and is a cognizant to personnel support. The selection of products, analyzing, sourcing approaches, freight and import cost, export, shipping, import details, contracts information and processes broaden potential business movement controlled by procurement decisions and influences of policies. Some enforce policies and potentially bring forth benefit, or substantial reasons for internal and external sourcing strategies to create innovative advantage in organizations procedures and decides building and buying solutions. Home Depot faces challenges to unify and coordinate our operations and supply chain from customer to supplier. Challenges involve reducing inventory levels, improving communication between trading partners and changing customer demands, reducing the time from order to arrival of a product, and reducing cost. Contractor Sales/Comparative Advantage Transactions in all Home Depot stores continues to rise. This is a strong indication that homeowners simply can invest more into maintenance and home improvement projects. Usually, contractor sales, which account for a significant percent of Home Depot’s business, continue to fall short. Competition for contractor business is aggressive. Top contenders in this market, like Lowe’s, has attuned their strategies to allow local store  managers to deliver contractor markdowns without corporate consent. Projected Outcome Expanding e-commerce services with Home Depot provides customers greater access to the products and services deepening the guarantee to improve every resource to generate an effective competitive gain. A solid foundation in the expansion to include contractor sales, web-based imaging solution software, and the Home Depot Foundation community outreach program would benefit the company immensely. Home Depot understands their greatest competitive advantage originates within the organization through the Home Depot associates. By removing department silos and creating cross-functional areas within the organization the associates at Home Depot work together to improving the business through creative innovative ways to improve customer service. Recommendations Home Depot’s supply chain value, management, vision or goals and development priorities should focus upon particular objectives in the next 2-year period. Home Depot’s strength to the projected supply chain strategy is the use of e-business and e-commerce processes that enables all information available to the supply chain. Home Depot’s weakness is within the launch of super store concepts ability to suffer postponement. Adding feature late in the process to make products and services grand from data obtained after more accurate or detailed research. Home Depot is creating a tactical decision support tool to assist in managing new projects in addition to the supply chain changes for nonprofit organizations to rebuild homes and contracts for retailed products. Home Depot’s demanding forecast is about control, improvement and deviating through customer demands not supply chain inventory management issues. Most important as technology becomes more innovative, IT strings business technology. Conclusion Home Depot’s business demands for the utmost levels of merchandise excellence, revolution, obtainability, timely shipping, protection in fabrication and delivery, compliance with rules and regulations, and understanding of brand and its reputation is a major impact to the customer service strategy and improvement to merchandise, policies, and techniques.  The supply chain modernizes many global and domestic occasions, merchandise and service outsourcing and is a familiarity to worker support. The variety of merchandise, examining, sourcing methods, merchandise and import price, distribute, delivery, import information, contracts statistics, and procedures broaden probable business measures controlled by procurement decisions and influences of policies. The affiliation with many state and federal laws restricts and offer different business treatment and regulations. Some impose policies and theoretically bring forth profit or considerable motives for internal and external sourcing strategies to generate state-of-the-art influence in organizational processes and chooses building and buying solutions. References Kimberly Amadeo. (2014). What Is the Business Cycle? Retrieved from: The Home Depot. (2013). Welcome to the Home Depot. Retrieved from:

Friday, November 8, 2019

SUNY College at Oswego Admissions and Acceptance Rate

SUNY College at Oswego Admissions and Acceptance Rate SUNY College at Oswego has an acceptance rate of 55 percent. Students with good grades and test scores within or above the ranges listed below have a good shot at being admitted to the school. Check out Oswegos website for information about applying and making a visit to the campus. Applicants will need to submit high school transcripts and scores from the SAT or ACT in order to apply. If you have any additional questions about applying, feel free to get in touch with an admissions counselor. Calculate your chances of getting in with this free tool from Cappex. Admissions Data (2016) SUNY Oswego Acceptance Rate: 55  percentGPA, SAT and ACT Graph for Oswego AdmissionTest Scores: 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: 500 / 590SAT Math: 510 / 590(what these SAT numbers mean)(SUNY SAT comparison chart)ACT Composite: 22 / 27(what these ACT numbers mean)(SUNY ACT comparison chart) SUNY College at Oswego Description Located on an attractive 690-acre campus on the shore of Lake Ontario in Western New York, SUNY Oswego is not for the student who hates snow. The colleges admissions are selective. High achieving high school students may qualify for full-tuition Presidential Scholarships, and they should also look into Oswegos interdisciplinary Honors Program. SUNY Oswego has an extensive study abroad program. The colleges campus center was recently expanded  and renovated to provide space for supporting the roughly 150 student clubs and organizations. Popular sports at SUNY Oswego include basketball, swimming, cross country, soccer, and track and field. Enrollment (2016) Total Enrollment: 8,004  (7,150 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 50 percent male / 50 percent female96  percent full-time Costs (2016-17) Tuition and Fees: $7,961 (in-state); $17,811 (out-of-state)Books: $800Room and Board: $13,390Other Expenses: $1,400Total Cost: $23,551 (in-state); $33,401 (out-of-state) SUNY Oswego Financial Aid (2015-16) Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 99 percentPercentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 92  percentLoans: 74 percentAverage Amount of AidGrants: $6,616Loans: $7,044 Academic Programs Most Popular Majors:  Accounting, Business Administration, Criminal Justice, Elementary Education, Marketing, Psychology, Radio and TelevisionWhat major is right for you?  Sign up to take the free My Careers and Majors Quiz at Cappex. Graduation, Retention and Transfer Rates First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 81  percentTransfer Out Rate: 28 percent4-Year Graduation Rate: 49 percent6-Year Graduation Rate: 66 percent Intercollegiate Athletic Programs Mens Sports:  Cross Country, Basketball, Baseball, Golf, Lacrosse, Hockey, SoccerWomens Sports:  Lacrosse, Soccer, Field Hockey, Lacrosse, Basketball, Swimming Learn About Other SUNY Campuses Albany  |  Alfred State  |  Binghamton  |  Brockport  |  Buffalo  |  Buffalo State  |  Cobleskill  |  Cortland  |  Env. Science/Forestry  |  Farmingdale  |  FIT  |  Fredonia  |  Geneseo  |  Maritime  |  Morrisville  |  New Paltz  |  Old Westbury  |  Oneonta  |  Oswego  |  Plattsburgh  |  Polytechnic  |  Potsdam  |  Purchase  |  Stony Brook If You Like SUNY Oswego, You May Also Like These Schools Syracuse University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphIthaca College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphAlfred University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphHobart and William Smith Colleges: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphCornell University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphCazenovia College: Profile  Hofstra University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphMarist College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Emily Dickinson, Poem 328

but also with the meter. The iambic triameter is a very choppy, short phrased meter which accents the rhythmic walk of the Robin. A Robin hops with a very short and consistent step, much like that of the meter Dickinson uses. The line â€Å"He bit an Angleworm in halves† (328/3) uses a visual cue to describe the method by which the Robin eats worms. Dickinson allows the reader to minimize oneself and enter fully into the natural world. By writing â€Å"And he ate the fellow raw/ And then he drank a Dew/ from a convenient Grass† (328/4-6), Dickinson brings the reader into the smaller world of the birds. The word â€Å"convenient† when talking about the grass means that the intention was to illustrate how opportune the dew on grass is to birds, because they are so small. Sometimes nature acts as if governed by a code of conduct: â€Å"And then hopped sidewise to the Wall/ To let a Beetle pass- † (328/7-8). The Robin yielded to what is often times a source of its life. Beetles are part of the Robin’s diet, but since it had already had its fill of worm, the Robin and beetle had no conflict between each other. Instead of equality, nature strives for balance. Animals eat their fill, drink their thirst, and live in their space. No two animals have the same conditions, but each interacts with perfect harmony in the system. The system is what becomes important, and Dickinson captures this balance w... Free Essays on Emily Dickinson, Poem 328 Free Essays on Emily Dickinson, Poem 328 Analysis of Dickinson’s Poem #328 Few poets capture the beauty and essence of nature and sports. As a Robin gracefully flies through the sky, so, too, does Emily Dickinson write her verse. In poem 328, â€Å"A Bird came down the walk,† Emily Dickinson magically connects the innocence of a Robin and the grace of a rower. Crew, although wholly elegant itself, becomes but a fraction of the beauty Dickinson writes of the Robin in flight. The initial encounter with the Robin in the first stanza not only describes the bird with words but also with the meter. The iambic triameter is a very choppy, short phrased meter which accents the rhythmic walk of the Robin. A Robin hops with a very short and consistent step, much like that of the meter Dickinson uses. The line â€Å"He bit an Angleworm in halves† (328/3) uses a visual cue to describe the method by which the Robin eats worms. Dickinson allows the reader to minimize oneself and enter fully into the natural world. By writing â€Å"And he ate the fellow raw/ And then he drank a Dew/ from a convenient Grass† (328/4-6), Dickinson brings the reader into the smaller world of the birds. The word â€Å"convenient† when talking about the grass means that the intention was to illustrate how opportune the dew on grass is to birds, because they are so small. Sometimes nature acts as if governed by a code of conduct: â€Å"And then hopped sidewise to the Wall/ To let a Beetle pass- † (328/7-8). The Robin yielded to what is often times a source of its life. Beetles are part of the Robin’s diet, but since it had already had its fill of worm, the Robin and beetle had no conflict between each other. Instead of equality, nature strives for balance. Animals eat their fill, drink their thirst, and live in their space. No two animals have the same conditions, but each interacts with perfect harmony in the system. The system is what becomes important, and Dickinson captures this balance w...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Organisation structured by product and organisation which is organised Assignment

Organisation structured by product and organisation which is organised by function - Assignment Example is divided into three main divisions: lighters, pens and razors, and Hewlett Packard that is divided into five main divisions: image and printing group, personal system group, enterprise group, HP services and finally HP financial services (Biz/ed 2006 and Business case studies 2014). Each business structure has its advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages of product structured business includes specialization, accountability and clarity. Specialization allows every division to focus and concentrate on one line of product that is its own work. Accountability is an advantage because the structure makes it clear who is responsible for that department. Clarity plays in where everybody knows not just their role but also the roles of others. On the other side organization structure by product has down sides. Among the downsides are communication, rigidity and coordination. Such a structure encourages closed communication that may lead to lack of focus. Due to the fact that departments are divided upon what they do, some may end up becoming resistant to change. This structure also makes coordination difficult as there is a big gap between the top and the bottom which may make coordination take too long (Biz/ed 2006). Structuring by function is simply done by dividing the organization into departments with similar specializations such as marketing, finance and accounts, human resources, and many others. The marketing department for instance will have marketers who are charged the responsibility to market the company’s products. This type of structure best suits companies that make standard goods and services in large quantities at prices that are considered low. Another characteristic is that they have a large degree of formalization that leads to reliance by each function on standardized way ( 2010 and). An example of a business with functional structure is ABC which has its departments divided into accounting department, corporate

Friday, November 1, 2019

Business in Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business in Literature - Essay Example In the novel The Ladies Paradise, the new recruit Denise is not used to displaying her salesgirl charm and feel violated, defenseless and naked because she is treated like a machine for modeling clothes. The job requirement was that the women had â€Å"to be attractive for the sales rooms† she consents to be attractive according to the stores standards to the leering men and the unethical Monsieur Jouve who would harass the girls that worked in the store by forcing them to buy into his good-will and making sexual advances towards them which was seen as a privilege given his position as the owner. This goes against the moral concept of the market as the Monsieur is only seeking to maximize his profit in this case his sexual gratification. The fulfillment of self-interest will contribute to the common good in the market according to John Stuart Mill; the Mauss theory acknowledges that the market cannot ignore the ethics of self interest in the market. His anthropology is based o n the aspect of giving and receiving in the market as a basis for social integration that is important in the economic interactions. Honesty and respect acknowledges the morality of exchange and interdependence of social relations in the market. Mauss anthropology emphasizes that responsibility is a fundamental constituent of ethical subjectivity therefore responsibility for other human beings legitimizes economic actions. Tono Bungay novel offers an ethical critique of the impact of the late nineteenth century capitalist modernization in the homeland. The story also traces the effects of the accelerated economic transformation to the social arrangements and classes in the society. The ethical dilemma arises where the aristocrat society subjects the bourgeoisie to exploitation and machinations in entrepreneurship. There is a struggle of capital and labour. This also describes the modern

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Retail Marketing Strategy Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Retail Marketing Strategy Management - Essay Example The products are completely associated with the retail stores at which they are available. Through positioning your retail store builds a certain image of your products in the minds of the people which ultimately generates the volume of customers for your retail store. Retail stores in Singapore are extremely cosmopolitan, complex and sophisticated with nearly every international retailer present there. These retail stores usually depend on high volume of customers for generating their sales. Therefore in order to position the retail store in Singapore in order to gain competitive advantage, there is a need to focus on the market niches and increase sales through regionalization. Strategic allies can also be formed with the international retailers in order to gain competitive advantage. The type of image that a retail store would project for its customers in the target segment harbor should be such that their products and not just the brand it carries should be positioned. The image of a retail store should be that of a brand that adds value to the purchase of the shoppers. Brand positioning is highly important for retail stores at Singapore because the competition is increasing and new competitors are arriving in the market with more efficient strategies. Therefore, in order to gain competitive advantage, brand positioning can be done by: The retail marketplace at Singapore is highly saturated with ... A brand adding value to the purchase of the shoppers so that they are willing to spend more A retail store selling products and not just the brand EXAM QUESTION 2: INTERNATIONAL CONSUMERS' MARKET IN SINGAPORE Introduction The retail marketplace at Singapore is highly saturated with a number of international players. The population of Singapore also consists of a number of tourists and foreigners as Singapore is one of the best tourism spot. Therefore the retail market for international consumers in Singapore is full of opportunities. Since the international consumers have high spending patterns, therefore, targeting this market niche can result in a number of prospective sales. Discussion and Analysis Singapore is a tourism spot for a number of international visitors. At every time in the year, you will find a considerable amount of international consumers in the country. Therefore, the market of the international consumers, if properly targeted and positioned, can generate great retail business and attract a high volume of consumers. The international consumers are usually unaware of the prices and therefore make purchases through the retail stores which they know of and which are mostly international retail stores. The Singaporean retail stores should also target the international consumers due to the increased competition and also because a large population in Singapore comprises of international consumers. The attractiveness of the market for international consumers is evident from the fact that the retail marketplace in Singapore is highly competitive with each retailer targeting specific market niches. Therefore, the market for international consumers is another market

Monday, October 28, 2019

Mining Rare Earth Metals Essay Example for Free

Mining Rare Earth Metals Essay I believe that Canada should be involved in the rare earth metals mining industry. Rare earth metals are an essential part of everyday modern life (and of growing importance). They are used from everything from cell phones to environmentally friendly technologies such as wind turbines and hybrid engines. The mining of these metals would provide many benefits to Canada. It makes great economic sense because right now China is a supply and demand crisis so they are exporting less metal every year. If Canada were to enter the mining not only would it create thousands of jobs in one area where unemployment is a little bit of a problem but we could also pick up the slack of Chinas export problem and make billions. Besides the obvious economic implications, I believe that mining these metals cold have serious political and environmental benefits for us. China uses dangerous chemical to melt the earth around it, which could potentially leave a lasting impression on the surrounding area and any vegetation that might grow there in the future. So if Canada were to mine these metals I think we would be more respectful of the landscape. In today’s society reducing your environmental footprint is huge and in terms of rare earth metals there are many ways in which we can reduce our own. It starts by properly recycling our reusable electronics so the metals can be extracted or re used. Other ways would be to buy used electronics and not get every new gadget that comew out so there is less of a demand for the mining of rare earth metals. Given the pros of mining and the fact that they outweigh the cons, I believe that Canada should be involved in rare earth metals mining.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Television Violence and Children :: essays research papers media

Television Violence and Children The effects of television violence and children can vary according to the child. There are various effects, both physical and psychological, that can occur. First of all, the child, through his years of watching television, may develop the concept that violence is a way to solve problems. The watching of these television shows is where most of the children pick up this aggressive mindset they have. It is to be said that eighty percent of what you learn when you are a child, is from what you see. That in it can become very dangerous to the child in many ways. Secondly, the child may have a favorite character he or she looks up to, who may have a violent role in the cartoon. Seeing their favorite cartoon character kill another character may give an impression that it?s funny and is okay to so the same. The bright colors from cartoons simply catch the child?s eye. . The viewing of violence does not make the child violent, but it kind of tells them that it is acceptable for their favorite cartoon character to hurt others. There have been researches that have shown that the estimated child, once passed elementary, will have been introduced to eight thousand murders, and more than one hundred-thousand acts of some sort of violence on television. Those numbers show a dramatic change in the way television shows have increased their violence rate. With numbers like these, violence can be extremely harmful to a child. In recent studies it has been proven that once children are put in front of a television, their concentration cannot be broken or wrecked. Most children who watch these violent shows have been less patient, more aggressive, and more likely to have lower grades than the children who watch television shows like Mr. Rogers. The more the child watches these violent shows, the faster he or she will unnaturally speed up the impact of the

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ballroom Dancing :: essays research papers

Ballroom Dancing: The Development of Two Techniques   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is a fact that emotion stimulates the body into movement. It has been said that â€Å"dancing is older than anything except eating, drinking and love†. Civilization and conditioning has taught people to suppress this natural response but the primitive desire still remains. Prehistoric man expressed his emotions by movement. When speech was just developing, even primitive cave drawings depict men dancing. As time went on and language was developed, the expressive movements of early man continued but transformed from spontaneous, formal and lastly traditional aspects. These dances were adapted as parts a social custom. This became the foundation of folk dances.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout the earlier dark ages, dancing was found in every country in the form of traditional folk dances. Dancing was a regular feature of the church festival days in Italy, France and England. Showing as long as people exist, the desire to move will survive. This instinct for movement enabled crude folk dance to survive the dull dark ages. Dances from this period were drawn from the Christian Era and by the 15th century dance records became popular, documenting the actual dances then in â€Å"vogue†. This is when the earliest ballroom dances were documented. One documenter, Thoimot Arbeau published ‘Orchesographie’ in 1588. Arbeau lived in a time of transition where solemn dance was giving way to a livelier dance form. Even in the days of Arbeau, technique was slowly being formed by the dancing masters of the period, but it was not until the latter half of the 17th century, after Louis XIV that the hard and fast rules for execution of the every dance were laid down by the members of the Academy and the five positions of the feet were formulated for the first time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The ballets presented in these days were spectacular based on technique. The first intertwining of the ballet and ballroom came when professional dancers appeared in ballets and the ballets left the court and went to the stage. When the ballet moved to the stage its technique became considerably enriched. Such changes went on also in ballroom dancing, in 1812, the modern hold made its appearance in ballroom waltzes. And the next advance towards what we call modern dancing was made in the 1840’s when several dances made their appearances in the ballroom. These included the Polka, Mazurka and the Schottische. There was also a trend to drop all decorative steps in ballroom.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Honeypot Site

Attractive scenery Attractive scenery Castleton Castleton lies towards the north of the National Park. It is 10 miles from Buxton, 16 miles from Sheffield and 27 miles from Stockport. This makes it easy to visit from larger towns that are located near to the national park. It’s located in Derbyshire at the bottom of the Pennine range. Castleton Castleton lies towards the north of the National Park. It is 10 miles from Buxton, 16 miles from Sheffield and 27 miles from Stockport. This makes it easy to visit from larger towns that are located near to the national park.It’s located in Derbyshire at the bottom of the Pennine range. Why is Castleton a honeypot site? Why is Castleton a honeypot site? Case study: Castleton Case study: Castleton ? Tourist attractions Tourist attractions Jewellery shops within the village Jewellery shops within the village Blue John mine, caverns Blue John mine, caverns Attractive scenery Attractive scenery Easy access via roads Easy access via r oads Mam Tour Mam Tour Facts about Castleton Facts about Castleton Population: 649 people (2001 census)Jobs: Unlike villages in many rural parts of Britain, the population of Castleton is greater now than it was 50 years ago. Although there are still a number of farmers in the area, many of the population are now commuters, quarry workers or earn their living from tourism. Services for residents * 3 small shops * Mobile green grocer visits once a week * Police house within the village * Church in the village * Village Hall * Mobile library available once a week * Petrol stations * Pubs Services for visitors * 7 B&B’s * 4 hotels 4 camp sites * Youth hostel * Numerous tourist shops * Cafes * A visitor centre Castleton is also popular as a base for touring in the National Park and for active sports such as climbing, caving, pony trekking, hang gliding, cycling and walking. There are several Outdoor Pursuits centres nearby. Impacts of tourism Impacts of tourism * Erosion of the m any footpaths around the area, especially Winnats Pass and the footpath to Mam Tor, has been the subject of a detailed study. * Congestion in the village is a problem to locals and visitors.There is a large car park, with space for coaches, and public toilets but at peak times (Summer Sundays or during the Garland ceremony) the parking provision is not enough and the congestion spoils the character of the village and affects its enjoyment by all. * More jobs have been created thanks to the tourism industry. * Because there is an increase in employment there will therefore, be a reduction on the crime rates * Jobs are created. Therefore people have more money to spend on local goods and services. Multiplier effect – by creating a factory and providing new jobs, the local economy grows by more than the original cash injection * Second homes: Many wealthy urban dwellers buy second homes in the countryside. The Peak District is surrounded by large settlements e. g. Manchester, Sh effield and Derby so this phenomenon has happened here as well. This can cause house inflation, rural depopulation and service decline. * Seasonal employment: Tourism tends to be at its highest during late spring, summer and early autumn.Because of the decline during the winter, many locals will lose their jobs during the quieter periods. Management Management * Improvements such as surfacing paths in local stone or re-routing certain paths have been undertaken. * The importance of tourism to the local economy needs to be balanced against the danger of over-commercialisation. More and bigger car parks may increase visitor numbers and create even more problems * An increasing number of litter bins have been provided throughout the village. Increasing the amount of bus routes will tackle the problem of an excessive number of cars * Adding more ‘double yellow’ lines will mean that there will be less parking in inconvenient places for residents. * Redistribution of tourists : There are a number of locations in the Peak District that are honeypot locations e. g. Castleton and Bakewell. One suggested solutions has been to promote other villages and destinations to try and redistribute the number of tourists. * Improved signage and education: Some tourists drop litter, leave gates open. etc.With improved information signs and also better education of the problems it causes, some problems can be reduced Residents and tourists Conflicts between different groups of people in Castleton Conflicts between different groups of people in Castleton Unsurprisingly the largest amount of conflict that has arisen in Castleton is between local residents and tourists. One of the largest reasons behind this is traffic. With a high concentration of tourists come a great amount of vehicles these can cause traffic jams along the villages country roads this can delay the ease of travel for local residents.Pollution from cars is also a big element to the conflict pollution can have a harmful effect on the peak district and its wildlife. Another conflict between tourist and locals is the amount of noise. Living in a quaint Derbyshire village residents want to live in a peaceful environment however having large groups of tourists means there will be a large amount of noise pollution which can be disruptive to their way of life. Another conflict between tourists and local residents is the carelessness of some tourists who drop litter around the village.Residents want visitors to respect their home village and keep it clean and tidy however this wish is often ignored and upsets residents. There are many other smaller conflicts between the locals and tourists that occur in Castleton. Issues like tourists peering into gardens and cottages causes conflicts because locals want privacy. Now that tourists have the right to roam, there can often be conflicts between landowners and tourists, over where people can walk and what they can do.Farmers and tourists Farmer s and tourists may come into conflict because litter dropped by tourists may harm livestock (animals), the noise created by tourists and vehicles may disturb animals, especially during lambing periods. Tourists may also leave footpaths and damage crops or leave gates open and allow animals to escape. Tourists may be annoyed by farmers because on restrictions of their right to roam and aggressive animals. Farm traffic may also cause traffic jams and delay tourists.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sexual Reproduction - Gametes and Fertilization

Sexual Reproduction - Gametes and Fertilization Sexual Reproduction Individual organisms come and go, but, to a certain extent, organisms transcend time through producing offspring. Reproduction in animals occurs in two primary ways, through sexual reproduction and through asexual reproduction.  While most animal organisms reproduce by sexual means, some are also capable of reproducing asexually. Advantages and Disadvantages In sexual reproduction, two individuals produce offspring that inherit  genetic characteristics from both parents. Sexual reproduction introduces new gene combinations in a population through genetic recombination.  The influx of new gene combinations allows members of a species to survive adverse or deadly environmental changes and conditions. This is a major advantage that sexually reproducing organisms have over those that reproduce asexually. Sexual reproduction is also advantageous as it is a way to remove harmful gene mutations from a population through recombination. There are some disadvantages to sexual reproduction. Since a male and female of the same species are required to sexually reproduce, a considerable amount of time and energy is often spent in finding the right mate. This is especially important for animals that do not bear many young as the proper mate can increase the chances of survival for the offspring. Another disadvantage is that it takes longer for offspring to grow and develop in sexually reproducing organisms. In mammals, for example, it can take several months for offspring to be born and many more months or years before they become independent. Gametes In animals, sexual reproduction encompasses the fusion of two distinct gametes (sex cells) to form a zygote. Gametes are produced by a type of cell division called meiosis. In humans, gametes are produced in the male and female gonads.  When gametes unite in fertilization, a new individual is formed. Gametes are haploid containing only one set of chromosomes. For example, human gametes contain 23 chromosomes.  After fertilization, a  zygote is  produced from the union of an egg and sperm. The zygote is diploid,  containing two sets of 23 chromosomes for a total of 46 chromosomes. In the case of animals and higher plant species, the male sex cell  is relatively motile and usually has a flagellum. The female gamete is non-motile and relatively large in comparison to the male gamete. Types of Fertilization There are two mechanisms by which fertilization can take place. The first is external (the eggs are fertilized outside of the body) and  the second is internal (the eggs are fertilized within the female reproductive tract).  Ã‚  An egg is fertilized by a single sperm to ensure that the correct  chromosome  numbers are preserved.   In external fertilization, gametes are released into the environment (typically water) and are united at random. This type of fertilization is also referred to as spawning. In internal fertilization, gametes are united within the female. In birds and reptiles, the embryo matures outside of the body and is protected by a shell. In most mammals, the embryo matures within the mother. Patterns and Cycles Reproduction is not a continuous activity and is subject to certain patterns and cycles. Oftentimes these patterns and cycles may be linked to environmental conditions which allow organisms to reproduce effectively. For example, many animals have estrous cycles that occur during certain parts of the year so that offspring can typically be born under favorable conditions. Humans, however, do not undergo estrous cycles but menstrual cycles. Likewise, these cycles and patterns are controlled by hormonal cues. Estrous can also be controlled by other seasonal cues such as rainfall. All of these cycles and patterns allow organisms to manage the relative expenditure of energy for reproduction and maximize the chances of survival for the resulting offspring.