Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Retail Marketing Strategy Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Retail Marketing Strategy Management - Essay Example The products are completely associated with the retail stores at which they are available. Through positioning your retail store builds a certain image of your products in the minds of the people which ultimately generates the volume of customers for your retail store. Retail stores in Singapore are extremely cosmopolitan, complex and sophisticated with nearly every international retailer present there. These retail stores usually depend on high volume of customers for generating their sales. Therefore in order to position the retail store in Singapore in order to gain competitive advantage, there is a need to focus on the market niches and increase sales through regionalization. Strategic allies can also be formed with the international retailers in order to gain competitive advantage. The type of image that a retail store would project for its customers in the target segment harbor should be such that their products and not just the brand it carries should be positioned. The image of a retail store should be that of a brand that adds value to the purchase of the shoppers. Brand positioning is highly important for retail stores at Singapore because the competition is increasing and new competitors are arriving in the market with more efficient strategies. Therefore, in order to gain competitive advantage, brand positioning can be done by: The retail marketplace at Singapore is highly saturated with ... A brand adding value to the purchase of the shoppers so that they are willing to spend more A retail store selling products and not just the brand EXAM QUESTION 2: INTERNATIONAL CONSUMERS' MARKET IN SINGAPORE Introduction The retail marketplace at Singapore is highly saturated with a number of international players. The population of Singapore also consists of a number of tourists and foreigners as Singapore is one of the best tourism spot. Therefore the retail market for international consumers in Singapore is full of opportunities. Since the international consumers have high spending patterns, therefore, targeting this market niche can result in a number of prospective sales. Discussion and Analysis Singapore is a tourism spot for a number of international visitors. At every time in the year, you will find a considerable amount of international consumers in the country. Therefore, the market of the international consumers, if properly targeted and positioned, can generate great retail business and attract a high volume of consumers. The international consumers are usually unaware of the prices and therefore make purchases through the retail stores which they know of and which are mostly international retail stores. The Singaporean retail stores should also target the international consumers due to the increased competition and also because a large population in Singapore comprises of international consumers. The attractiveness of the market for international consumers is evident from the fact that the retail marketplace in Singapore is highly competitive with each retailer targeting specific market niches. Therefore, the market for international consumers is another market

Monday, October 28, 2019

Mining Rare Earth Metals Essay Example for Free

Mining Rare Earth Metals Essay I believe that Canada should be involved in the rare earth metals mining industry. Rare earth metals are an essential part of everyday modern life (and of growing importance). They are used from everything from cell phones to environmentally friendly technologies such as wind turbines and hybrid engines. The mining of these metals would provide many benefits to Canada. It makes great economic sense because right now China is a supply and demand crisis so they are exporting less metal every year. If Canada were to enter the mining not only would it create thousands of jobs in one area where unemployment is a little bit of a problem but we could also pick up the slack of Chinas export problem and make billions. Besides the obvious economic implications, I believe that mining these metals cold have serious political and environmental benefits for us. China uses dangerous chemical to melt the earth around it, which could potentially leave a lasting impression on the surrounding area and any vegetation that might grow there in the future. So if Canada were to mine these metals I think we would be more respectful of the landscape. In today’s society reducing your environmental footprint is huge and in terms of rare earth metals there are many ways in which we can reduce our own. It starts by properly recycling our reusable electronics so the metals can be extracted or re used. Other ways would be to buy used electronics and not get every new gadget that comew out so there is less of a demand for the mining of rare earth metals. Given the pros of mining and the fact that they outweigh the cons, I believe that Canada should be involved in rare earth metals mining.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Television Violence and Children :: essays research papers media

Television Violence and Children The effects of television violence and children can vary according to the child. There are various effects, both physical and psychological, that can occur. First of all, the child, through his years of watching television, may develop the concept that violence is a way to solve problems. The watching of these television shows is where most of the children pick up this aggressive mindset they have. It is to be said that eighty percent of what you learn when you are a child, is from what you see. That in it can become very dangerous to the child in many ways. Secondly, the child may have a favorite character he or she looks up to, who may have a violent role in the cartoon. Seeing their favorite cartoon character kill another character may give an impression that it?s funny and is okay to so the same. The bright colors from cartoons simply catch the child?s eye. . The viewing of violence does not make the child violent, but it kind of tells them that it is acceptable for their favorite cartoon character to hurt others. There have been researches that have shown that the estimated child, once passed elementary, will have been introduced to eight thousand murders, and more than one hundred-thousand acts of some sort of violence on television. Those numbers show a dramatic change in the way television shows have increased their violence rate. With numbers like these, violence can be extremely harmful to a child. In recent studies it has been proven that once children are put in front of a television, their concentration cannot be broken or wrecked. Most children who watch these violent shows have been less patient, more aggressive, and more likely to have lower grades than the children who watch television shows like Mr. Rogers. The more the child watches these violent shows, the faster he or she will unnaturally speed up the impact of the

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ballroom Dancing :: essays research papers

Ballroom Dancing: The Development of Two Techniques   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is a fact that emotion stimulates the body into movement. It has been said that â€Å"dancing is older than anything except eating, drinking and love†. Civilization and conditioning has taught people to suppress this natural response but the primitive desire still remains. Prehistoric man expressed his emotions by movement. When speech was just developing, even primitive cave drawings depict men dancing. As time went on and language was developed, the expressive movements of early man continued but transformed from spontaneous, formal and lastly traditional aspects. These dances were adapted as parts a social custom. This became the foundation of folk dances.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout the earlier dark ages, dancing was found in every country in the form of traditional folk dances. Dancing was a regular feature of the church festival days in Italy, France and England. Showing as long as people exist, the desire to move will survive. This instinct for movement enabled crude folk dance to survive the dull dark ages. Dances from this period were drawn from the Christian Era and by the 15th century dance records became popular, documenting the actual dances then in â€Å"vogue†. This is when the earliest ballroom dances were documented. One documenter, Thoimot Arbeau published ‘Orchesographie’ in 1588. Arbeau lived in a time of transition where solemn dance was giving way to a livelier dance form. Even in the days of Arbeau, technique was slowly being formed by the dancing masters of the period, but it was not until the latter half of the 17th century, after Louis XIV that the hard and fast rules for execution of the every dance were laid down by the members of the Academy and the five positions of the feet were formulated for the first time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The ballets presented in these days were spectacular based on technique. The first intertwining of the ballet and ballroom came when professional dancers appeared in ballets and the ballets left the court and went to the stage. When the ballet moved to the stage its technique became considerably enriched. Such changes went on also in ballroom dancing, in 1812, the modern hold made its appearance in ballroom waltzes. And the next advance towards what we call modern dancing was made in the 1840’s when several dances made their appearances in the ballroom. These included the Polka, Mazurka and the Schottische. There was also a trend to drop all decorative steps in ballroom.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Honeypot Site

Attractive scenery Attractive scenery Castleton Castleton lies towards the north of the National Park. It is 10 miles from Buxton, 16 miles from Sheffield and 27 miles from Stockport. This makes it easy to visit from larger towns that are located near to the national park. It’s located in Derbyshire at the bottom of the Pennine range. Castleton Castleton lies towards the north of the National Park. It is 10 miles from Buxton, 16 miles from Sheffield and 27 miles from Stockport. This makes it easy to visit from larger towns that are located near to the national park.It’s located in Derbyshire at the bottom of the Pennine range. Why is Castleton a honeypot site? Why is Castleton a honeypot site? Case study: Castleton Case study: Castleton ? Tourist attractions Tourist attractions Jewellery shops within the village Jewellery shops within the village Blue John mine, caverns Blue John mine, caverns Attractive scenery Attractive scenery Easy access via roads Easy access via r oads Mam Tour Mam Tour Facts about Castleton Facts about Castleton Population: 649 people (2001 census)Jobs: Unlike villages in many rural parts of Britain, the population of Castleton is greater now than it was 50 years ago. Although there are still a number of farmers in the area, many of the population are now commuters, quarry workers or earn their living from tourism. Services for residents * 3 small shops * Mobile green grocer visits once a week * Police house within the village * Church in the village * Village Hall * Mobile library available once a week * Petrol stations * Pubs Services for visitors * 7 B&B’s * 4 hotels 4 camp sites * Youth hostel * Numerous tourist shops * Cafes * A visitor centre Castleton is also popular as a base for touring in the National Park and for active sports such as climbing, caving, pony trekking, hang gliding, cycling and walking. There are several Outdoor Pursuits centres nearby. Impacts of tourism Impacts of tourism * Erosion of the m any footpaths around the area, especially Winnats Pass and the footpath to Mam Tor, has been the subject of a detailed study. * Congestion in the village is a problem to locals and visitors.There is a large car park, with space for coaches, and public toilets but at peak times (Summer Sundays or during the Garland ceremony) the parking provision is not enough and the congestion spoils the character of the village and affects its enjoyment by all. * More jobs have been created thanks to the tourism industry. * Because there is an increase in employment there will therefore, be a reduction on the crime rates * Jobs are created. Therefore people have more money to spend on local goods and services. Multiplier effect – by creating a factory and providing new jobs, the local economy grows by more than the original cash injection * Second homes: Many wealthy urban dwellers buy second homes in the countryside. The Peak District is surrounded by large settlements e. g. Manchester, Sh effield and Derby so this phenomenon has happened here as well. This can cause house inflation, rural depopulation and service decline. * Seasonal employment: Tourism tends to be at its highest during late spring, summer and early autumn.Because of the decline during the winter, many locals will lose their jobs during the quieter periods. Management Management * Improvements such as surfacing paths in local stone or re-routing certain paths have been undertaken. * The importance of tourism to the local economy needs to be balanced against the danger of over-commercialisation. More and bigger car parks may increase visitor numbers and create even more problems * An increasing number of litter bins have been provided throughout the village. Increasing the amount of bus routes will tackle the problem of an excessive number of cars * Adding more ‘double yellow’ lines will mean that there will be less parking in inconvenient places for residents. * Redistribution of tourists : There are a number of locations in the Peak District that are honeypot locations e. g. Castleton and Bakewell. One suggested solutions has been to promote other villages and destinations to try and redistribute the number of tourists. * Improved signage and education: Some tourists drop litter, leave gates open. etc.With improved information signs and also better education of the problems it causes, some problems can be reduced Residents and tourists Conflicts between different groups of people in Castleton Conflicts between different groups of people in Castleton Unsurprisingly the largest amount of conflict that has arisen in Castleton is between local residents and tourists. One of the largest reasons behind this is traffic. With a high concentration of tourists come a great amount of vehicles these can cause traffic jams along the villages country roads this can delay the ease of travel for local residents.Pollution from cars is also a big element to the conflict pollution can have a harmful effect on the peak district and its wildlife. Another conflict between tourist and locals is the amount of noise. Living in a quaint Derbyshire village residents want to live in a peaceful environment however having large groups of tourists means there will be a large amount of noise pollution which can be disruptive to their way of life. Another conflict between tourists and local residents is the carelessness of some tourists who drop litter around the village.Residents want visitors to respect their home village and keep it clean and tidy however this wish is often ignored and upsets residents. There are many other smaller conflicts between the locals and tourists that occur in Castleton. Issues like tourists peering into gardens and cottages causes conflicts because locals want privacy. Now that tourists have the right to roam, there can often be conflicts between landowners and tourists, over where people can walk and what they can do.Farmers and tourists Farmer s and tourists may come into conflict because litter dropped by tourists may harm livestock (animals), the noise created by tourists and vehicles may disturb animals, especially during lambing periods. Tourists may also leave footpaths and damage crops or leave gates open and allow animals to escape. Tourists may be annoyed by farmers because on restrictions of their right to roam and aggressive animals. Farm traffic may also cause traffic jams and delay tourists.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sexual Reproduction - Gametes and Fertilization

Sexual Reproduction - Gametes and Fertilization Sexual Reproduction Individual organisms come and go, but, to a certain extent, organisms transcend time through producing offspring. Reproduction in animals occurs in two primary ways, through sexual reproduction and through asexual reproduction.  While most animal organisms reproduce by sexual means, some are also capable of reproducing asexually. Advantages and Disadvantages In sexual reproduction, two individuals produce offspring that inherit  genetic characteristics from both parents. Sexual reproduction introduces new gene combinations in a population through genetic recombination.  The influx of new gene combinations allows members of a species to survive adverse or deadly environmental changes and conditions. This is a major advantage that sexually reproducing organisms have over those that reproduce asexually. Sexual reproduction is also advantageous as it is a way to remove harmful gene mutations from a population through recombination. There are some disadvantages to sexual reproduction. Since a male and female of the same species are required to sexually reproduce, a considerable amount of time and energy is often spent in finding the right mate. This is especially important for animals that do not bear many young as the proper mate can increase the chances of survival for the offspring. Another disadvantage is that it takes longer for offspring to grow and develop in sexually reproducing organisms. In mammals, for example, it can take several months for offspring to be born and many more months or years before they become independent. Gametes In animals, sexual reproduction encompasses the fusion of two distinct gametes (sex cells) to form a zygote. Gametes are produced by a type of cell division called meiosis. In humans, gametes are produced in the male and female gonads.  When gametes unite in fertilization, a new individual is formed. Gametes are haploid containing only one set of chromosomes. For example, human gametes contain 23 chromosomes.  After fertilization, a  zygote is  produced from the union of an egg and sperm. The zygote is diploid,  containing two sets of 23 chromosomes for a total of 46 chromosomes. In the case of animals and higher plant species, the male sex cell  is relatively motile and usually has a flagellum. The female gamete is non-motile and relatively large in comparison to the male gamete. Types of Fertilization There are two mechanisms by which fertilization can take place. The first is external (the eggs are fertilized outside of the body) and  the second is internal (the eggs are fertilized within the female reproductive tract).  Ã‚  An egg is fertilized by a single sperm to ensure that the correct  chromosome  numbers are preserved.   In external fertilization, gametes are released into the environment (typically water) and are united at random. This type of fertilization is also referred to as spawning. In internal fertilization, gametes are united within the female. In birds and reptiles, the embryo matures outside of the body and is protected by a shell. In most mammals, the embryo matures within the mother. Patterns and Cycles Reproduction is not a continuous activity and is subject to certain patterns and cycles. Oftentimes these patterns and cycles may be linked to environmental conditions which allow organisms to reproduce effectively. For example, many animals have estrous cycles that occur during certain parts of the year so that offspring can typically be born under favorable conditions. Humans, however, do not undergo estrous cycles but menstrual cycles. Likewise, these cycles and patterns are controlled by hormonal cues. Estrous can also be controlled by other seasonal cues such as rainfall. All of these cycles and patterns allow organisms to manage the relative expenditure of energy for reproduction and maximize the chances of survival for the resulting offspring.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Fawlty Towers Review and Analysis

Fawlty Towers Review and Analysis Free Online Research Papers Fawlty Towers is a series of twelve television episodes taking place in a hotel in Torquay. The protagonists consist of Basil Fawlty and Sybil, his wife, who are the managers of the hotel. Manuel, who does not speak English properly since he comes from Barcelona, and Polly are both members of the staff. â€Å"A Touch of Class† is the first episode. Frustrated by the social class of his guests, Basil Fawlty places a  £40 advertisement in the newspaper to try to attract a â€Å"higher class of clientele.† In this extract, Dany Brown, in a leather jacket, asks for a room for the night. Basil immediately dislikes him and tells him that there are no rooms available. However, Sybil immediately gives Mr Brown the room seven. Later, Lord Melbury, who is just the sort of client that Basil wants to attract to his hotel, appears. Nevertheless, the manager is, as usual, impatient bordering on the downright rude. He takes a phone call while he is barking out instructions to his new guest until Lord Melbury tells Basil that he does not have any first name since he is known as Lord Melbury. At that moment, Basil realises his rude behaviour and immediately slams down the phone to talk with his, so long expected, Lord Melbury. Later, Mr Brown is revealed to be in fact an undercover p olice officer trying to arrest the so calling Lord Melbury, who has very simply ripped Basil off. As far as the pragmatic aspect of my study is concerned, I have decided to develop the politeness aspect in this specific extract since we have a clear and obvious opposition in Basil’s behaviour depending on what person he is speaking to: a very rude and impolite language or, by contrast, a very high register of language when he learns that Melbury is in fact Lord Melbury. This contrast enables us to develop and to analyse different approaches of politeness in the English language through a real conversation with a background, a function (humoristic in that case to make the audience laugh), stereotyped characters and a mix of social relationships. Therefore throughout this essay, I will do my utmost to show how politeness is used in conversation, and how we use politeness to underline a certain trait of our behaviour, or as Brown and Levinson asserted: â€Å"what sort of assumptions and what sort of reasoning are utilized by participants to produce strategies of a verbal int eraction.† (1987:57) First of all, let us focus on the first part of this extract, that is to say, the exchange between Mr Brown and Basil, and particularly the beginning of the conversation since the start is important in a dialogue because this is the starting point of tensions, greeting, and requests. Mr Brown asks for a room. He seems to forget the boundaries set between Basil and himself and he totally ignores the social difference. He is speaking as if Basil was a friend – a â€Å"mate† – instead of considering him as the hotel manager. He does not say â€Å"Hello† or â€Å"Good morning/afternoon/evening.† He just says â€Å"Allo!† Then, instead of apologising for disturbing, he just asks very directly for a room: â€Å"Got a room?† This question is very inappropriate considering the status of both men. It would be suitable between two people from the same social status or the same age, like friends for example. There are no mitigating devices such a s â€Å"excuse me† or â€Å"please†, and no auxiliary at all. Basil answers indeed in asking, â€Å"I beg your pardon?†, which shows that he did not expect such a language from Mr Brown. That sentence immediately shows the gap that Basil wants to re-create, saying to Mr Brown that they are not from the same world. Consequently, he does not greet his new guest. However, Mr Brown insists repeating, â€Å"Got a room for tonight, mate.† He obviously ignores Basil’s remark and goes even further calling Basil his â€Å"mate†. He wants to be put on the same level as Basil. The manager keeps on the same king of language insisting on the social gap contrasting â€Å"mate† by â€Å"sir† (l.4) and using modals (â€Å"shall have to†). Mr Brown answers that he would like a double room using the imperative form, ordering â€Å"Yeah. (instead of yes) No, make it a double.† This can be interpreted in two ways. Mr Brown may despis e Basil’s job or he has completely forgotten what person he talks to, giving him orders. To take his revenge, Basil decides not to give Mr Brown a room for the night pretending that Mr Tone is already in room number seven. Nevertheless, the room is kindly offered by Sybil who expresses his respect towards her guests, considering them customers bringing money, and therefore is very polite as witnessed by the mitigating devices: â€Å"would you†, â€Å"sir.† She even greets her new guest, telling him â€Å"hope you enjoy your stay,† and she calls him by his family name. This is a very conventional way to speak, but this is the appropriate register used for talking to customers. Besides, Basil shows his sarcasm and irony, once again, calling Mr Brown â€Å"gentleman† (l.15) in spite of he does not mean what he is just saying. Later on, Basil recalls to Mr Brown that Barcelona is in Spain. (l.19) He willingly floutes Grice’s maxim of quantity. (Grice, 1989) He gives indeed too much information that we need. It creates humour, thinking Mr Brown is an idiot for perhaps not knowing that Barcelona is in Spain. The last line of that exchange is â€Å"Key?† to summarize all this talk as far as politeness is concerned. There is not even any sentence to that question, showing Mr Brown’s lack of deference. This dialogue enables us to clearly show the concept of a â€Å"positive politeness† and of a â€Å"negative politeness†. According to Brown and Levinson, â€Å"positive politeness is redress directed to the addressee’s positive face, his perennial desire that his wants should be thought of as desirable.† (1987:101) By contrast, â€Å"negative politeness is redressive action addressed to the addressee’s ‘negative face.’† (1987:129) In other words, we use a â€Å"positive politeness† when we want to be accepted by others such as Mr Brown willing to associate Basil to his sphere. On the other hand, â€Å"negative politeness† is used not to be imposed on by others and to create a social distance like Basil refusing being called â€Å"mate.† In addition to that, the second conversation is between Melbury and Basil. However, we can divide this oral exchange into two parts. On one hand, we have Basil’s behaviour before he learns that Melbury is a Lord and after, which is completely different as I am going to demonstrate. So, in the first part, Melbury opens the talk, asking a room for a few nights as well. However, the register is completely different from Mr Brown’s. We have, here, a face saving act since Melbury by saying, â€Å"I was wondering if†, offers a greater freedom for Basil to refuse his request. Then, he plays down his request saying that it is just for a â€Å"a few nights†, and he uses, besides, terms belonging to a high register such as â€Å"accommodation† (l.35) or â€Å"I beg your pardon?† (l.49) Basil’s language is just the contrary in that extract. He asks very direct questions without any mitigating devices repeating his question twice: â€Å"Have you booked?† There is no â€Å"sir† or â€Å"gentleman† at all. Furthermore, the manager is rather aggressive asserting, â€Å"we’re not full, we’re not full. Of course, we’re not full.† The repetition of the adjective â€Å"full† is not required and is irrelevant here, rendering that quite abrupt like in â€Å"There! There!†(l.48). Basil keeps on behaving that way, interrupting his guest twice. (ll.44,46) However, he cannot forget to use a minimum of politeness due to his job. This is the reason why, he is using â€Å"could† (l.46), â€Å"please† (l.48), and â€Å"would you† (l.50) Apart from doing two thinks at the same time: addressing Melbury and being on the phone with Mr O’Reilly, Basil asks very directly â€Å"You don’t have a first name?† This lack of politeness can be seen as a â€Å"face-threatening act.† However, Basil has extenuating circumstances since he is surprised by Melbury’s reply. Finally, as soon as Basil understands that Melbury is in fact â€Å"Lord Melbury† and that he, consequently, fits perfectly to his vision of a â€Å"higher class of clientele†, he reacts completely differently. He immediately changes his language and his behaviour calling for instance Melbury: â€Å"your Lordship† (l.54) or â€Å"your honour† (l.58). This sudden change makes the audience laugh since they can notice just in two seconds time Basil’s transformation. He realises his rude attitude towards the guest and tries to apologise, begging, â€Å"I’m sorry†, â€Å"I do apologise†, â€Å"please†, â€Å"forgive me.† He uses emphatic forms â€Å"so† â€Å"do† to underline that. He does indeed too much in order to satisfy Melbury, and this exaggeration renders Basil’s character even more hilarious. Next, he employs indirect expressions like â€Å"I’m so sorry† or â€Å"to have kept you.† Then, he offers Melbury all that he can offer, telling him â€Å"Is there something, anything I can do for you? Anything at all†, and the fact that he is fetching Melbury’s cases – accepting therefore to do Manuel’s job – is a way to satisfy Melbury’s requests. This is what Peccei called â€Å"maximize the praise of the other to look more polite.† (Peccei, 1999:63) On top of that, he flatters Melbury exclaiming â€Å"how very wise† (l.58), but he takes immediately precautions saying, â€Å"If I may say so,† which is a way not to offend Melbury. Then, Basil tries to be funny saying â€Å"naturellement† with a French accent. Jokes are basic positive politeness techniques to put the addressee at ease. As far as Melbury is concerned, he keeps on using the same language as before, using modality such as â€Å"I shall† (l.61). Later on in the exchange, Basil rings the bell to call Manuel, but unfort unately, this latter does not come. That situation obviously embarrasses Basil since he does not know what to say. The only theme he finds is weather in Torquay. According to Brown and Levinson’s theory about politeness, weather is a â€Å"safe topic allow[ing Basil] to stress his agreement with [Melbury] and therefore to satisfy [Melbury]’s desire ‘right’, or to be corroborated in his opinions.† (1987:112) As Levinson says, the more the speaker knows about the addressee, the more close to home will be the safe topics. â€Å"The Face Threatening Act of making a request is normally preceded by an interim of small talks on safe topics, as a way of reassuring the addressee that you did not come simply to exploit him by making a request, but have an interest in general in maintaining a relationship with him.† (Brown and Levinson, 1987: 112) Finally, Basil Fawlty does not hesitate to exaggerate facts, making his discourse totally absurd, unlikely, and hilarious. He uses exclamations such as â€Å"splendid† (l.68), â€Å"beautiful† (l.64) and â€Å"wonderfully† (l.66). Basil invents completely trying to satisfy Melbury, who does not care about what the manager says at all. To conclude, on this extract of Fawlty Towers, â€Å"A touch of class†, we constructed an overall theory of politeness, integrating notions of polite friendliness and polite formality in a single scheme. That analysis shows that strategies, used to look more polite, could be mixed allowing us to investigate about the diversity of social relations in the British society. However, despite this analysis is based on real situations which could happen in real life, this is crucial to bear in mind that the script was invented and built to make people laugh, and therefore in everyday life, it is often unlikely to have all these features in one single conversation. BIBLIOGRAPHY BROWN, P. and LEVINSON, S.C. (1987) Politeness: Some universals in language usage Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. PECCEI, J.S. (1999) Pragmatics London: Routledge. FURTHER READING BRIGHT, M. (2001) Fawlty Towers: fully booked London: BBC. EELEN, G. (2001) A critique of politeness theories Manchester: St. Jerome. WATTS, R.J. (2003) Politeness Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Research Papers on Fawlty Towers Review and AnalysisHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsMind TravelQuebec and CanadaHonest Iagos Truth through Deception19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andEffects of Television Violence on Children

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Bataan Death March essays

Bataan Death March essays The Bataan Death March: A brutal, barbaric journey through malnutrition, disease, torture, and death. Documentaries try to explain the history of these horrible events, but only those who survived the march actually know how awful and cruel it really was. December 7, 1941: The renowned bombing of Pearl Harbor stunned the United States and the whole world. The Japanese had been dominating many territories, and were continuing to spread throughout South East Asia. The President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, had then devised a plan of action and sent American Troops to defend Corregidor Island, located in the Philippines. After fighting through many small battles, they finally arrived in 1942, in the Manila Bay. There, the American and Filipino Troops teamed up to resist the forces of the Japanese Soldiers. However, the United States had not expected to remain there for more than one month, and was not very well prepared. They had believed that help would be coming for them, but unfortunately, it was impossible to send more assistance into Corregidor. The US and Filipinos battled for five months against the fierce Japanese, who invaded May 5, 1942. The Japs shot one shell every five seconds for 24 hours straight. The Americans were under the command of General Jonathan Wainwright, who had led a gallant, but hopeless fight, and finally in May of 1942, 76,000 troops surrendered to Japan. This resignation had begun one of the worst marches in the history of any war. When the survivors of the Battle of Corregidor became POWs, they were forced to endure a 90-mile trek, called the Bataan Death March. The Prisoners were denied food, water, and medical treatment throughout most of this time. Their personal possessions and equipment was taken from them, and they had to march in the blazing sun without any basic sanitary facilities. Along the way their Japanese escorts beat, clubbed, and bayon...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Observe, Analyze and Report Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Observe, Analyze and Report - Term Paper Example Do boys relatively show more risky behavior in shopping malls? Are girls more conservative and do they wander about the mall away from their parents? What kinds of activities do boys and girls do while their parents are shopping? One finally established the observation question as ‘Do differences in gender affect the way children behave in shopping malls?’ The Observation One made the initial observation on a Saturday afternoon at about 4:00 p.m. There were lots of people shopping in the grocery area and there was a small space where one could sit and view different people while observing. One noted that shopping was an activity done more by women than men. From one’s observation, the composition of women at that time was roughly 80% of the shoppers, as compared to men. Of the 80% women who were shopping, about 30% brought their children along. Children who came with their parents (or mothers, most especially) ranged from different ages: the youngest one saw was j ust about five to seven years of age and the eldest were teen-agers. Further, one likewise noted that women were most likely to bring along a companion, other than their children. Some women came with their husbands; while the others took their friends or relatives along. The relatives could possibly be a sister or even their mothers. The next thing one noted was the general attire of the people who shopped. Mostly, the shoppers were donning casual clothes, with ladies wearing shirts of light materials and paired with shorts, pants or skirts. For men, most were wearing T-shirts and light jackets paired with shorts or pants. Children wore more diverse clothes in texture, colors and materials. Most young girls were wearing dainty and colorful shirts paired with shorts or pants; while boys were generally in T-shirts and shorts. The footwear was more varied for little girls. Some wore sandals, rubber shoes in pastel colors, walking shoes and canvas. Boys shoes were predominantly trainer s, canvas and rubber shoes. Observing the activities therefore eventually focused on one’s target group: the children. One observed that parents who shopped usually took with them one or two kids and one was particularly interested in noting any diversity with the way children behave in shopping malls, depending on gender. With both parents around, it could be noted that the children’s behavior were more controlled as they walked closely beside their parents. On the other hand, one detected that young boys were more curious and explorative that they tend to veer farther from their mothers. There were young boys aged between 8 to 10 years old who were running into people's trolleys and playing hide and seek. One particular boy likes to run into a different aisle or walk a different way and then meet his mother further up in front. The only problem with that is the tendency to miscalculate the direction and thereby, eventually end up somewhere else. There were instances when shopping clerks found young children lost and were announced in the shopping mall’s customer information center to be picked up by their parents. The difference between very young boys and girls being lost is that: boys shout out for either their mom or dad; while girls were found crying. Likewise, one noticed that young boys and girls were most fascinated by the floor patterns and tiles that they found these

Friday, October 18, 2019

Issues of Our Times International Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Issues of Our Times International - Essay Example In this paper I will be examining the MDGs in terms of success or progress, success stories and failures with the aim drawing the lessons learnt. In the MDGs the world identified eight major challenges facing nations of the world especially in the developing world and embarked on an ambitious plan to reduce if not eliminate them. Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger across the world, achieving universal primary education and promoting gender equality and empowering women for the f8irst three MDGs. Significant progress has been seen in this area as by 2012 the world targets had been achieved. Reducing the rates of child mortality and improving maternal health care are two goals that still require a lot of effort especially in the poorest nations. The last three goals i.e. ensuring environmental sustainability, fighting diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria and others, and developing global partnerships for development are the other goals on which some remarkable progress has been made but more is required in order to meaningfully influence lives. On a larger perspective and basing on available statistics, there has been some significant progress overall but with the 2015 deadline just around the corner the world may miss on the targets in some of the goals. In the first goal of eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, the goal was set at halving the proportion persons living on $1.25 and below around the world. The target was achieved in 2008 mostly as a result of rapid economic expansion in the emerging economies of Asia. Persons in extreme poverty as well as poverty rates have gone down in all regions and the working poor have reduced significantly. Attaining universal primary education as a target has also seen significant effort, enrollment stood at 90% in 2010 as compared to 82% in 1999. Though encouraging the rate is slow and the goal may not be attained by 2015.over a half of those children out of school are sub-Saharan Africa,

A Madmans Diary by Lu Xun Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

A Madmans Diary by Lu Xun - Essay Example From the visit, he learns about the younger brother’s tribulations; he suffered from a mental condition, but he recovered and has since relocated to another area. The narrator is given a diary by the older brother whereby an account of the younger brother’s illness was kept. This is the diary referred to as the ‘Madman’s Diary’ by the narrator, and its contents constitute the bulk of the story. From the diary, we learn of the extreme paranoia of the protagonist during the time of his illness (Xun & Nadolny 36). The story describes about social conditions in china at the time. The diary talks about cannibalism, which is a common practice in Chinese history and culture. During the early 1900s, Chinese people were desperate as a result of the extreme famine, and this culminated into cannibalism. It is this cannibalism that the protagonist describes during his illness by being paranoid that those surrounding him would soon or later eat him up. A deeper analysis of the story shows that the author was castigating and condemning Chinese culture at this time, whereby the strong in society devoured the weaker ones. The character that catches my attention is the madman himself. Even though he has crazy ideas about cannibalism, he typifies change in society. Despite his hardships, he struggles to get better, and later he gets a good job in another city. From his diary, he has given us insight into the Chinese society at that time whereby strong people ‘ate up’ weaker ones (Hsun & Yang

Thursday, October 17, 2019

SAPP week 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

SAPP week 2 - Assignment Example Dennis accepts the gift to show he appreciates the understanding. On the next scene, Dennis is waiting in the rain for David (Cusack), the man with the UV protection. It is evident that Dennis has started to like Cusack. Later, Cusack gives Dennis a second visit where he brings him a pair of antiglare glasses. He explains that the glasses helps cut down the glare in Dennis’ ongoing battle with the sun. Dennis is delightful of the gift. The next scene shows Cusack and Dennis playing with a ball where Dennis is still in the box but not fully covered as usual. Cusack throws the ball at a short distance such that Dennis has to get out of the box to reach out for the ball (Boy In a Box, 2010). Cusack uses an understanding form of communication, where he takes in what Dennis tells him as if he knows what he means. He doesn’t disapprove what Dennis claims even if it is not true or real. Cusack uses empathic communication to bond with Dennis, showing him how much he understand what he goes through. He uses the gifts to show empathy to Dennis. Also, his facial expressions while talking with Dennis shows a deep understanding and concern. For example, when Dennis gets out of the box for the first time, he shows a delightful facial expression to show how happy he is to see Dennis. In the article ‘the juggler’s brain,’ Carr explains the main benefits and drawbacks of using the internet. He mainly focuses on the disadvantages rather than the benefits. The internet provides us with instant access to a wide library of information; it enables the ease of sorting through the libraries to get what we are searching for or similar to it. However, it also diminishes our ability to learn in depth, subjects for ourselves, to develop within our thoughts (Carr, 2010). First, I understand that reading hypertext document minimizes general comprehension.

Logistic service quality within the perishable goods Essay

Logistic service quality within the perishable goods - Essay Example Communicating the importance of logistical activities to other functional activities, as well as to corporate officers, has been a difficult task. Professor Donald Bowersox, speaking at the council of logistics management annual conference in Toronto in 1999, described establishing the link between functional logistics performance and overall firm performance as our discipline's equivalent to finding a cure for cancer. Definitive empirical results that link improvements in logistics performance to overall firm performance have been difficult to achieve. Some progress, however, has been made. Recently, Daugherty, Stank, and Ellinger (1998) conducted an in-depth assessment of the relationships among logistics service performance and customer satisfaction, loyalty and market share in an industrial setting. Their findings indicated that high levels of logistics service are directly related to market share through satisfaction and loyalty. Quality within a service orientated company such as a 3PL provider is becoming more and more important because by providing a higher service level , these companies can distinguish themselves from their competition. This is definitely the case for a public refrigerated warehouse (PRW) /3PL provider such as Daalimpex Cold stores B.V. I'm, as person responsible for all operational activities provided by Daalimpex, are therefore very interested what

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

SAPP week 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

SAPP week 2 - Assignment Example Dennis accepts the gift to show he appreciates the understanding. On the next scene, Dennis is waiting in the rain for David (Cusack), the man with the UV protection. It is evident that Dennis has started to like Cusack. Later, Cusack gives Dennis a second visit where he brings him a pair of antiglare glasses. He explains that the glasses helps cut down the glare in Dennis’ ongoing battle with the sun. Dennis is delightful of the gift. The next scene shows Cusack and Dennis playing with a ball where Dennis is still in the box but not fully covered as usual. Cusack throws the ball at a short distance such that Dennis has to get out of the box to reach out for the ball (Boy In a Box, 2010). Cusack uses an understanding form of communication, where he takes in what Dennis tells him as if he knows what he means. He doesn’t disapprove what Dennis claims even if it is not true or real. Cusack uses empathic communication to bond with Dennis, showing him how much he understand what he goes through. He uses the gifts to show empathy to Dennis. Also, his facial expressions while talking with Dennis shows a deep understanding and concern. For example, when Dennis gets out of the box for the first time, he shows a delightful facial expression to show how happy he is to see Dennis. In the article ‘the juggler’s brain,’ Carr explains the main benefits and drawbacks of using the internet. He mainly focuses on the disadvantages rather than the benefits. The internet provides us with instant access to a wide library of information; it enables the ease of sorting through the libraries to get what we are searching for or similar to it. However, it also diminishes our ability to learn in depth, subjects for ourselves, to develop within our thoughts (Carr, 2010). First, I understand that reading hypertext document minimizes general comprehension.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

QRisk 2 - to use or not to use - that is the question Essay

QRisk 2 - to use or not to use - that is the question - Essay Example 2008)). Previously few other criterias like Framingham’s criteria to assess cardiovascular risk factors and QRISK1 are used so this new model is a point of discussion that either it has some significance in the developing era or not.(Brindle, 2011). This requires collection of data from several studies which have been conducted in the recent past to compare between these models.(Hippisley-Cox, Coupland, et all. 2008). Generally, they all pointed out that using QRISk 2 is not have similar effectiveness like the traditional previous criteria as the risk factors described in this score are not single most important risk factors for development of cardiovascular diseases but they have utmost importance.(Vogel, Bernitez, 2000). RATIONALE: Cardiovascular risk factors predict 5-10 year risk of development of cardiovascular disease as well as resulting mortality and morbidity from that. (Koenig, 2003). There are few cardiac risk factors which have been defined previously like increase age, male gender, smoking status, presence of Hypertension, Hyperlipidemias, Type 2 diabetes etc. presence of all or one of these factors leads to increase tendency towards development of cardiovascular disease.(Mola, Lloyd, 2002). There are few other factors which are recently developed. These include ethnicity of the patient, presence of rheumatoid arthritis, atrial fibrillation, chronic kidney disease and treated hypertension. Data shows that they also influence future prediction of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. (Collins, Altman, 2010). CONS OF QRISK2: By using QRISK 2, we can find out some high risk persons who are at risk of developing disease(Hayman, Kamau, 2009) It also provides benefit by treating the patients who are labeled as low risk by traditional framinghom’s criteria.(Mayor, 2010) Advantage of this system is that traditionally larger numbers of data can be included in the database. (Hippisley, Coupland, 2008) It is also the first study which uses so many factors as a risk of cardiovascular disease.(Parkes, 2010) Inclusion of ethnicity is also found to be important by some people as few diseases are more popular in a specific population (Giampaoli, Palmieri, 2004) Stroke is more common in older ones and poor countries. (Scott, 2010). QRISK system also addresses the problem of different effects on risk factors of increasing age(Vanuzzu, Pilotto, 2008) so they have introduced interaction variables between age and other risk factors to overcome this problem. (Cooney, Dudina, Graham,2009) PROS OF QRISK2: It results in superior age estimation in older age group. (Weirzbicki, 2009) QRISK over predicted the patients in only 0.4% of cases but it under predicted in 12% of cases.(Dalton, Soljak, 2011). It measures blood pressure and BMI accurately but cholesterol measurement is poor. A study shows that it measured cholesterol of only 30% people who are at risk of developing disease.(Thomas, 2011). Also there is no validation of events and everything is based on computer records. Patients are included at different times in this system. Most of the patients do not follow ten years data. This score is not validated in population other than British.(Chia, 2011). It also has another disadvantage. As it is using age as a factor for cardiovascular disease risk, it is unable to identify those who are at risk but younger. As compare to some other trials

Rich dad and poor dad Essay Example for Free

Rich dad and poor dad Essay BSTM III This story about Rich Dad, Poor Dad it inspires a lot of people who already read this book. It gives us motivation in life. We all know everyone has a purpose in life. Educational attainment is important to have a successful life in the future. Treasure your knowledge about the things you’ve learned. Make some experienced like working in a company and pay yourself and buy a reward for you. By sharing your knowledge to everyone that you talked to has a chance to have more ideas in what you do. Be dedicated about your work; it is important to get involved in some investment, business ventures to have a secure and comfortable life. Used your skills about how to hold your finances right. â€Å"Rich does not work for money† they’ve work for keeping safe and the willingness to learn something new. They classify the standard of living, the powers that influenced many people and the money that controls all the necessities in the world. In the ‘Rat Race’ game in the monopoly board it shows how the player needs information to invest in a good deal to win the game and how you spent your money wisely. He never exits because he keeps going around, always returning to the same place where he was before. Once we find ways to make more money working more to pay for our expenses, we find new ways to spend our money, which in turn gets us into more expenses. That is why we never find the exit from and will keep running in the rat race. Most of us got used to it because that is what almost everybody gets from life, but if you think about it for a while; we want to get out the rat race to be able to be financially independent and have a control of our lives. Many people trapped in a rat race because they do not know manage finances are important to value your money. Even if you are rich or poor you will think a good investment and keeping your money more useful and productive. The rich man has to manage their accounts, investments, properties or assets to secure their future and the next generation. While in the middle class society they work hard and they do it for their family to give them a comfortable life but in some instances they’ve work because of the money. Rich men have a more advantages in terms in finances they have consultant and the finances they manage well. Give your kids some advice on how they spent money and teach us how to be a more responsible about the money. The biologic dad was a teacher, worked for others during all his life and died poor. The business dad was an entrepreneur that invested his life in learning and building new businesses, and so he became rich. The poor man has an investment in education this is the good deals they do to be a better persons and learned experienced while they doing some stuff. Give your best shot and strive to life to achieve your goals. Have a positive outlook in life. Teach yourself to set yourself always be an employee of somebody that manages those concepts and takes advantage of that to run a business using the work force of other people. Learn communication skills to deal with other people. Make your own move about all the matters you’ve encountered in life. Perseverance has obtained in our individuals personality to push you around. Make things possible. Both dads’ are thinking how the money flows. Act, manage risk, and think big, think businesses don’t be afraid to take a risk. Be more knowledgeable about your surroundings and conduct a surveys or knowing your priorities in life. It advocates financial independence through investing, real state, owning a business. It highlights the attitudes in money. In their decision making was affected because they will be smart in making decisions if they go wrong to their decisions they will lose it forever. Learn to classify your assets and liabilities. Generate a cash flow in the circulation of the market. The two dads influence their children to be more responsible about the money. Money rules 1. Spend Less Than You Earn 2. Dont Over-Think Your Investments 3. Stop Wasting Time 4. Eliminate (and Avoid) High-Interest Debt 5. Talk About Money (And Be Honest) 6. Stop Trying to Impress Other People 7. Watch Your Progress (But Make It Fun) 8. Take Care of Your Things 9. Do It Yourself 10. Plan Ahead Every Time You Spend 11. Find and Work Toward Your True Passions 12. Build Real Friendships and Relationships 13. Improve Yourself Every Chance You Get 14. Give Without Strings or Regrets In the rules of the money basically tackles about how the money flow and to planned and make your own move to improve your ideas and knowledge about the things you’ve taking care of. Makes plans, rules and your obligations to do and make it realistic and interesting. Think another strategies and techniques on how you will find a good opportunity in investing your money. Take suggestions came from your friends, relatives and other people. Researching or by attending a seminars will help you to learn a lot of new things and you will know the potentials of your money in the market. Control your money by having an accounts, cards, notes, bonds. Reading and understanding of financial statements is a must to understand how a business operates. Teach us the basic of business and finance concepts like cash flow, assets, liabilities, income and expenses. There are good points in life management. Do some ways to invent money and have an investment that nurture your future life. The objective is to learn how to handle your finances and seeking a good opportunities. It talks about a lot of financial tricks you can apply to make more money. It is the way of life to fulfill your dreams or goals that you want to achieve. Be ready to the challenges and the problems that you encountered. It develops your perspective in life and boosts your confidence to take a risk. Learn to discipline yourself and have a point of view. Get new ideas on how you can fix things eventually. You may work for others to gain experience, knowledge and insights about the businesses. The author of this book says about your financial responsibility. It talks about focusing and finding new ways are good sources of money. Many people do not learn to their lesson in life which continues now. The lives of many of us follow the same pattern. We get jobs working for others because we need money to pay for our expenses. Once we earn our own money, we are ready to buy more things. The pattern of money spending is evident. Once we get what we want, we need more money to keep our life style. The Rich dad, Poor dad book teaches us how to get out of this never ending cycle. It teaches a very basic, but also very important lesson about financial education that we should have learned in schools. Most of those lessons are actually advices that you should reflect upon and choose to follow or not depending on your circumstances of life. Once you learn these basic lessons you realize how you can get the financial independence that will allow you to have a more satisfying life, working only on the projects you want, instead of just wasting your life working for others in things that are not very fulfilling. It has an outstanding content that will nourish our mind and our souls. â€Å"Enjoy life to the fullest† it is a one chance that may happen to your life and never goes back anyway.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Database Management System for Car Company

Database Management System for Car Company STRATEGY ANALYSIS DESCRIPTION OF CURRENT BUSINESS ACTIVITIES INTRODUCTION DMC is a Dedicated cars company that is specialized in Car sales business, and it was established Four years ago in 7th May 2005, and its main name stands for Dedicated Motor Cars and its main division is in Tripoli Libya, it is a company with many high workers and skilled employees working on it as they are sharing the same ambition, and always aiming for the best in their business, in both to improve their employees skills and also to provide the best services to their dear customer. DMC is really working hard to achieve a new improvement in their business every year, also to get the most popular and successful cars to get them, and for the best prices to its customers, as they are also filling their case show with a good collection in each month. As for this month they got a very promising collection of new cars that just released this year, and old ones but got well comments from millions of people who tried them, this collection will be for this year as in this time its the companys season time for the business. Current System The current system of my company is going like this, each day we are improving, and as I can see now we are well known as 1 of the top 20 Private companies in Libya, and we are also known in the other continents as well. We are also not restrict with only 1 nationality as we are offering jobs, because our company contains employees from different nationality as we have some of them in the main division and some other are in our different offices around the globe. DMC has a good budget as overall, and it is improving, also the customers are so pleased with our services in general, and our economical prices. That includes that we are always taking care of our employees in terms of payment and to keep them improving by sending them to take courses in different kind of fields. Although we are doing a pretty good job in this business field and improving by a good rate percentage every year, but we are really facing some of the major problems in our business, the main problem is that we are facing a new changes and new challenges in our business, also we have other competitors companies in the countries we are doing this business and selling our cars and making our different services. Problem Background Effects of it So our main problem actually includes semi problems that we should take care of them so we can solve the main problem, which is we really need to move on with our services with the technology we are facing these days in doing those kind of business to make it better, faster, and easier. And 1st of all is our own system in the company, because it is still not well organized as an strong infrastructure and we also need a well studied design model for this infrastructure for our company. Thats where I planned to made a Special database system to our company, which will be including our employees, our daily customers for each season, and our sales of cars on this season on as well covered by the invoice section of the company, and some specific information about our shipment idea and its fee and coverage services. The good thing is that with this new system we will be able to make a clear and direct relational between all the sections mentioned above and make a really strong infrastructure for the company plus to be able to store information and data more sufficiently. In this segment I would like to give you an idea about the goals and aims that we are aiming to achieve and they are: Improve the business even much further, to reach a new level of development. Reduce the paper work as we had a lost of some data from time to time. To always keep up with the other contenders companies so we wont lose our customers. Secure our data in a sufficient way. Provide a system where it is easy to get data for any of our customers. Improvement of production to satisfy the customers needs. Easy access to database and information used by employees. Remove barriers to widen its production by improving sales procedure and reducing costs. Hardware and Software Necessity These are all the hardware requirements needed Minimum Requirements Processor 2 Gigahertz (GHz) Pentium IV-Intel processor or Higher. Memory 512 MB of RAM or Higher. Hard Disk 900 MB of available space required on the system drive, 4 gigabytes (GB) of available space capacity on the installation drive. Drive DVD-ROM or CD-ROM drive and Floppy drive Display Super VGA (1024 x 768) or higher resolution. These are all the software requirements needed Minimum Requirements Operating Systems Windows XP Service Pack Final, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 any edition with MS-Office. H I S T O R Y DMC Companys history is not that much as the company only established two years ago, but in those two years we can say that the company earned its name and make various successful that led it to earn a respectful history archive in the day it starts doing business till our day now. Specification for New System The main purpose from making this new application in my company is 1st to achieve the objectives that DMC is aiming to achieve, 2nd to make the business much easier for the customer and the employee as each of them will have the advantage of these kind of applications in our business. Also the cars sales section (which is the Cars Details) will be much more attractive this way, and as it shows all the possible information that needed at the same time. That goes for the employee and customers tables as well; they are helping the company over all by making it progressing even much faster and also to reduce the paper work. About Us table shows the company in a really short cut way, and its true words shows on this section, also for the producer of this application to have his word on that section. Also the shipment tables is an important section and it is one of the reasons to determine whether a certain car sales company is really know about its business and can keep up, or sadly but have no idea about this field of business as it helps a lot in showing exactly the steps taking to ship your car and to not need to discuss any of the employee about it because it is very clear. On the other hand, last one but not last, is Plate Info table, which holds all the plate number for the cars that have been purchased from our company, and also saving the numbers from the other cars for the customers that are ding services for their own car. BUISNESS ACTIVITIES OPERATIONS DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS Þ Assign an Employee to handle a certain invoice. Þ Check the Country of the Customer to make the delivery shipment service for his/her order. Þ Adding an Employee to the company. Þ Assign a Unique ID to a Customer. Þ Adding a new Car to the showcase. Operation Name: Assign an Employee to handle a certain invoice. Description: This operation handles the fact that when we are having a new invoice table, we hand it over to a certain employee, and a (certain) employee means that he/she is not busy with another invoice or another operation in the moment. Input: The assigned Employee must appear his/her unique ID number, along with his name, and should be clear to read. Output: The Employee will be responsible for that invoice, and handle its full data. ============================ Operation Name: Check the Country of the Customer to make a delivery shipment service for his/her order. Description: This operation handles the action when the Customer wants to make a shipment service for his current order and to make it to a certain country. Input: The Customer must give information about the destination (Country) area where he/she wants to deliver the order. Output: The Customer will be given an information about the shipment service such as the fee that known for that country. ============================ Operation Name: Adding an Employee to the company. Description: As DMC expanding greatly in the past years, we are making this issue more than usual lately, and it is about recruiting a new employee to the company, further adding his information to the database. Input: For this operation we need to have the new Employee Name, Age, Nationality, and his/her Date of Birth to be able to add him/her to our database. Output: The new Employee will be added to our database, and will be given a Unique ID number to be known as one of DMC employees. ============================ Operation Name: Assign a Unique ID to a Customer. Description: This operation deals with having a new customer and need to be having his/her information in our database to be given an ID number for easily checking the customer status when he/she makes more orders in the future. Input: To make this operation successful, we need to have basic information yet helpful for us such as Name, Age, and Contact number. Output: The Customer has been given a unique ID number. BUSINESS ACTIVITIES This section describes the operations of DMC Company which is as I mentioned before but in more specific it deals with car sales that the company get from other retailers which recently built up a really strong relationship with DMC and are getting the best deals to expand our business. So mainly DMC deals with customers with services, and we do car sale business, also we are very restrict with our system and the invoice we made are very clear for every car, further our employees are doing their best in every deal been made for each car. And more to mention here for our upcoming Database building is that we are going to build a new design system model that contains Cars, Employee, Invoice, Shipment, and Customer. Those Five elements that I mentioned above will be our main focus on this database design, as it is in general what DMC is is all about. For that matter here we are going to explain in details every Element we have for our Design Model, been explained by including its Attributes and a brief description about its main purpose. And every element will be known later on in the database description as Entity. Invoice Entity This entitys main purpose is to keep track of the sales, and for every deal that have been sold by whom as an employee and for whom as a customer, also it will display all the data necessary about the product (Car) AND ITS Unique ID, plus other major information such as total price and the invoice reset number, whats more is this entity acts as the main entity related to all the other entities as it is also related to the (Shipment) entity as it also saves the shipment number in the invoice paper. The Attributes that have been made for this Entity are: Invoice_Number, Customer_ID, Employee_ID, Shipment_Nmber, Total_Price, and Car_ID, and we will be talking about all the attributes for every entity in more details later on. Cars Entity This entity deals with all the cars that the company DMC stores, and contains all its details such as the car brand name, its color and the car ID, and the shipment number for every specific shipment that been made, along with the most important attribute for all the customers which is: the cars price. Employee Entity This entity here will be busy of containing the Employee_ID, Name, Age, Nationality, and Date of Birth, it will be also including two separated types of employees and they are: Part Time, and Full Time. Customer Entity This Entity is busy with giving the full information needed about the customers we are dealing with such as their Customer_ID, Name, Age, Contact_Number, and these information will be helpful in many facts in our company such as in making our invoices and assigning a specific car for a certain customer. Shipment Entity Shipment entity is one of the services that made our company earn its name in such a short time, as this service allow a full shipment service for as much as needed for cars for our customers viewed with its price, and a unique Shipment_Number, also the Country attributes as it tells the destination for each shipment services and the Fee attribute to tells the price for each country shown on the list. BUSINESS RULES In this section we will be listing DMC companys main rules in its business, as for our customers for an example they are able to buy as much cars as they can with no any problems but for our cars in the stock we cannot offer to sell the car for more than one and only one customer, also with our employees as any 1 of our employees can deal with more than just one car, but for the cars they should be dealt with only one employee to make the sell process. And as for these examples here we will be listing all the business rules for our company to make sure to be followed as it is: For every Shipment service that been made, it has to be assigned into an invoice that is related to it and that is a MUST. Every Car in stock can have one invoice specialize for it; same goes for the invoice as we made only one car can fit in each invoice rather than more than just one to make the business more flexible. Every Car can have a shipment service depends on the customers need, and as for this shipment service, it can be done for more than just one car as well, but it should be made for at least one car for this service to be available. For every single customer, he/she can belong to more than just one invoice depends on the orders he/she made and how many cars been bought, and in the other hand for the invoice it can only belong to one and only one customer, means we cannot include two customers buying the same car model in one invoice because they sold the same car model. Every employee can handle more than just one invoice when making the selling process, he/she can serve more than just one invoice, but for the invoices, every invoice should be handled by only one employee. Also we have to make sure that we wont start the buying process for our customers unless we have their personal data in our database system. For our new employees, we cannot let them start working in active business unless the process of having their personal information inside our database is done. INITIAL E.R DESIGN SPECIFICATION TABLE SPECIFICATION Inside DMC database I would like to create few modules and show the way to create them, and the purpose of making them, plus the reason of every column, so they can help me on the objectives Im aiming to achieve which they are: Database Description My database consists of five tables (And two sub-type tables that will be mentioned later on) and they are: Cars Invoice Customer Employee Shipment Table Specification Table Name: Invoice Table Description: To be used as a reference of all the sales of the company. Attribute of the Table: Invoice_Number, Customer_ID, Car_ID, Employee_ID, Shipment_Number, Total_Price. Table Type: Independent. Primary Key: Invoice_Number. ============================ Table Name: Customer Table Description: To be shown the customer basic information, along with his/her unique ID number. Attribute of the Table: Customer_ID, Name, Age, Contact_Number. Table Type: Independent Primary Key: Customer_ID ============================ Table Name: Employee Table Description: To be shown the Employee private data inside the database. Attribute of the Table: Employee_ID, Name, Nationality, Date of Birth. Table Type: Independent (Supertype) Primary Key: Employee_ID ============================ Table Name: Cars Table Description: To be shown the Car basic data, along with the cars price and its shipment number. Attribute of the Table: Brand_Name, Color, Car_ID, Shipment_Number, Price. Table Type: Independent Primary Key: Car_ID ============================ Table Name: Shipment Table Description: To be shown more specific information about the shipment service, such as the countries that are available for the service, plus the fee. Attribute of the Table: Shipment_Number, Country, Fee Table Type: Independent Primary Key: Shipment_Number ============================ Table Name: Full Time Table Description: To be shown more specific information about the Full Time employees, such as the Salary for the Full Time employees section, and the administration section which shows each full time employee and hi/her related administration division, along with the Employee ID. Attribute of the Table: Employee_ID, Salary, and Administration. Table Type: Independent (Subtype) Primary Key: Employee_ID ================================ Table Name: Part Time Table Description: To be shown more specific information about the Part Time employees, such as their Salary as well, and the Part time employees time shifting for their work time, and for sure their employee ID.. Attribute of the Table: Employee_ID, Salary, and Time Shifting. Table Type: Independent (Subtype) Primary Key: Employee_ID ATTRIBUTE SPECEFICATION 1. Invoice Entity Name: Invoice Primary Key: Invoice_Number Name Datatype Length Classification Allow Null Constraints Description Invoice_Number Int Simple No Unique A certain unique numbers to keep track of each invoice Customer_ID Varchar (10) Simple No Unique The ID for a customer Employee_ID INT (10) Simple No Unique The unique ID for an employee Car_ID Varchar (10) Simple No Unique The ID for a car Total_Price Double Simple No Unique Total price of a certain invoice Shipment_Number Int (10) Simple No Unique Unique number made for a certain shipment made 2. Cars Entity Name: Cars Primary Key: Car_ID Name Datatype Length Classification Allow Null Constraints Description Brand_Name VarChar (20) Simple No Unique Model name of the car Color VarChar (10) Simple No Unique Color of the car Car_ID Varchar (10) Simple No Unique The ID for a car Shipment_Number Int (20) Simple No Unique Unique number made for a certain shipment made Price Double Simple No Unique Actual Price of a car 3. Employee Entity Name: Employee Primary Key: Employee_ID Name Datatype Length Classification Allow Null Constraints Description Employee_ID INT (10) Simple No Unique The unique ID for an employee Name VarChar (20) Simple No Unique The first name of employee Nationality Varchar (20) Simple No Unique The employees nationality Date of Birth Date Simple No Unique The employees date of birth 4. Customer Entity Name: Customer Primary Key: Customer_ID Name Datatype Length Classification Allow Null Constraints Description Customer_ID Varchar (10) Simple No Unique The ID for a customer Name VarChar (10) Simple No Unique The first name of a customer Age Int (2) Simple No Unique The customer age Contact_Number Int (10) Simple No Unique Customer Contact number 5. Shipment Entity Name: Shipment Primary Key: Shipment_Number Name Datatype Length Classification Allow Null Constraints Description Shipment_Number Int (20) Simple No Unique Unique number made for a certain shipment made Country VarChar (10) Simple No Unique The country where the shipment destination Fee Int (5) Simple No Unique The price of the shipment 6. Full Time (Sub-Type Entity) Entity Name: Full Time Primary Key: Employee_ID Name Datatype Length Classification Allow Null Constraints Description Employee_ID INT (10) Simple No Unique The unique ID for an employee Salary Currency Simple No Unique The salary of a particular employee Administration VarChar (20) Simple No Unique The certain task that the employee is responsible for 7. Part Time (Sub-Type Entity) Entity Name: Part Time Primary Key: Employee_ID Name Datatype Length Classification Allow Null Constraints Description Employee_ID INT (10) Simple No Unique The unique ID for an employee Salary VarChar (10) Simple No Unique The salary of a particular employee Time Shifting Date/Time Simple No Unique The certain day that the employee have his/her work shifts on CODING CREATING OF TABLES CREATING OF TABLES As for my companys project for our database I used Microsoft Office Access 2007, and I started creating tables on it. [1] Cars Table Script Name Create Cars Table CREATE TABLE Cars ( Car_ID VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, Brand_Name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, Color VARCHAR(10) , Shipment_Number INTEGER(20) NOT NULL, Price Double NOT NULL, ); [2] Invoice table Script Name Create Invoice Table CREATE TABLE Invoice ( Invoice_Number INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, Customer_ID VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, Car_ID VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, Shipment_Number INTEGER(10) NOT NULL, Price Double NOT NULL, ); [3] Customer table Script Name Create Customer Table CREATE TABLE Customer ( Customer_ID VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, Name VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, Age INTEGER(2) NOT NULL, Contact_Number INTEGER(10) NOT NULL, ); [4] Employee table Script Name Create Employee Table CREATE TABLE Employee ( Employee_ID VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, Name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, Nationality VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, Date of Birth Date NOT NULL, ); [5] Shipment table Script Name Create Shipment Table CREATE TABLE Shipment ( Shipment_Number INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, Country VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, Fee INTEGER(10) NOT NULL, ); CONSTRAINTS SPECIFICATION Generalization hierarchy on an Employee. Description: This hierarchy assigns the Employee entity as Supertype, and Full Time, Part Time as Subtypes, and since the both subtypes have many similarities, the Supertype have the attributes in common to the subtypes and they are: Employee_ID, Name, Nationality, Date of Birth. . The subtypes cannot be one in another, means the Full Time employee cannot be a Part Time employee, and therefore this generalization hierarchy is of the type disjoint. Type: Disjoint Super type Entity: Employee Super type Primary Key: Employee_ID Common Attributes: Employee_ID, Name, Nationality, Date Of Birth. Constraints Full Time: This subtype entity shows certain data about the Full time employees in the company and their related information which is needed to our database. As for the attributes for this entity: Employee_ID, Salary, Administration. Part Time: This subtype entity shows the data the other type of employees which is the part time employee type. As for the attributes for this entity: Employe_ID, Salary, Time shifting, INITIAL POPULATING OF TABLES Cars Table Populating Table (Cars) INSERT INTO Cars (Brand_Name, Color, Car_ID, Shipment_Number, Price) VALUES (Mustang, Orange, 17111, 11333, 40000) ; Invoice Table Populating Table (Invoice) INSERT INTO Invoice (Invoice_Number, Customer_ID, Car_ID, Employee_ID, Shipment_Number, Total_Price) VALUES (11, 9844, 17633, 1432, 11771, 25) ; Customer Table Populating Table (Customer) INSERT INTO Customer (Customer_ID, Name, Age, Contact_Number) VALUES (9020, Avinash, 39, 2800131) ; Employee Table Populating Table (Employee) INSERT INTO Employee (Employee_ID, Name, Nationality, Date of Birth) VALUES (1422, Vadimas, Libyan, 2/21/1986) ; Shipment Table Populating Table (Shipment) INSERT INTO Shipment (Shipment_Number, Country, Fee) VALUES (11311, Germany, 130) ; Full Time Table Populating Table (Full Time) INSERT INTO Full Time (Employee_ID, Salary, Administration) VALUES (1433, 1300, Secretary) ; Part Time Table Populating Table (Part Time) INSERT INTO Part Time (Employee_ID, Salary, Time Shifting) VALUES (1441, 2000, 3/23/2009) ; USERS INPUT (INSERTION, DELETION, UPDATE) INSERTION: Add New Car (Cars Table) Query name: Insert (New Car in the cars showcase) INSERT INTO Cars (Brand_Name, Color, Car_ID, Shipment_Number, Price) VALUES ([Type the Cars Brand], [Type the Color of the Car ], [The Car ID], [The Shipment Number related to this Car], [The Price of this Car is); INSERTION 2 Here we are going to try to insert a new data into the Shipment form, as we will be using it through the Shipment form insertion button included in that form. Then here the database will ask you if your up for inserting new data into that form And here the data has been inserted successfully below UPDATE: Update New Customer (Customer Table) Query name Update (New Customer in the Customers Table) UPDATE Customer SET Contact_Number = [Enter Customers phone number] WHERE Customer_ID = [ID]; DELETION: Delete a Shipment Country (Shipment Table) DELETE * FROM Shipment WHERE Country = [Enter the Country that will be eliminated]; PERFORMING QUERIES, SUB-QUERIES QUERY [1] (Performing Alias technique into a Query) Description: To manage all the Employees names into one query QUERY [2] (Performing Function technique into a Query) Description: To display all the cars available at the moment QUERY [3] (Performing Concatenation technique into a Query) Description: To give a brief description about each car in the showcase QUERY [4] (Performing Sub-Query technique into a Query) Description: To Create a query from the employee data where it concern only employees who are British. QUERY [5] (Performing another Sub-Query technique into a Query) Description: To Create a query from the Cars data where it concern only the minimum prices of listed cars plus be grouped by the cars brand name. TESTING Test case : 1 Objectives : To use ALIAS in Employee Table Test Data : SELECT NAME AS FULLNAME FROM Employee; Expected Test Result : To display the corresponding records. Actual Test Result : As shown in the image below. Conclusion : Success. The record was displayed. Test case : 2 Objectives : To use ALIAS in Customer Table Test Data : SELECT Name AS CustomerName FROM Customer; Expected Test Result : To display the corresponding records. Actual Test Result : As shown in the image below. Conclusion : Success. The record was displayed. Test case : 3 Objectives : To use ARITHMETIC in Car Table Test Data :SELECT Car_ID, Brand_Name, (Price*2) AS [Price with Shipment] FROM Cars; Expected Test Result : To display the corresponding records. Actual Test Result : As shown in the image below. Conclusion : Success. The record was displayed. Test case : 4 Objectives : To Create Shipment Table Test Data : CREATE Table Shipment ( Shipment_Number int (5), Country varchar (10), Fee money (10) ) ; Expected Test Result : To display the corresponding records. Actual Test Result : As shown in the image below. Conclusion : Success. The record was displayed. Test case : 5 Objectives : To use COMPARISON in Cars Table Test Data : SELECT Car_ID, Brand_Name FROM Cars WHERE Price>6000; Expected Test Result : To display the corresponding records. Actual Test Result : As shown in the image below. Conclusion : Success. The record was displayed. Test case : 6 Objectives : To use COMPARISON in Shipment Table Test Data : SELECT Shipment_Number, Country FROM Shipment WHERE Fee Expected Test Result : To display the corresponding records. Actual Test Result : As shown in the image below. Conclusion : Success. The record was displayed. Test case : 7 Objectives : To Create Cars table Test Data : CREATE Table Cars ( Car_ID int (5), Shipment_Number int (5), Brand_Name varchar (10), Color varchar (10), Price (10) ) ; Expected Test Result : To display the corresponding records. Actual Test Result : As shown in the image below. Conclusion : Success. The record was displayed. Test Database Management System for Car Company Database Management System for Car Company STRATEGY ANALYSIS DESCRIPTION OF CURRENT BUSINESS ACTIVITIES INTRODUCTION DMC is a Dedicated cars company that is specialized in Car sales business, and it was established Four years ago in 7th May 2005, and its main name stands for Dedicated Motor Cars and its main division is in Tripoli Libya, it is a company with many high workers and skilled employees working on it as they are sharing the same ambition, and always aiming for the best in their business, in both to improve their employees skills and also to provide the best services to their dear customer. DMC is really working hard to achieve a new improvement in their business every year, also to get the most popular and successful cars to get them, and for the best prices to its customers, as they are also filling their case show with a good collection in each month. As for this month they got a very promising collection of new cars that just released this year, and old ones but got well comments from millions of people who tried them, this collection will be for this year as in this time its the companys season time for the business. Current System The current system of my company is going like this, each day we are improving, and as I can see now we are well known as 1 of the top 20 Private companies in Libya, and we are also known in the other continents as well. We are also not restrict with only 1 nationality as we are offering jobs, because our company contains employees from different nationality as we have some of them in the main division and some other are in our different offices around the globe. DMC has a good budget as overall, and it is improving, also the customers are so pleased with our services in general, and our economical prices. That includes that we are always taking care of our employees in terms of payment and to keep them improving by sending them to take courses in different kind of fields. Although we are doing a pretty good job in this business field and improving by a good rate percentage every year, but we are really facing some of the major problems in our business, the main problem is that we are facing a new changes and new challenges in our business, also we have other competitors companies in the countries we are doing this business and selling our cars and making our different services. Problem Background Effects of it So our main problem actually includes semi problems that we should take care of them so we can solve the main problem, which is we really need to move on with our services with the technology we are facing these days in doing those kind of business to make it better, faster, and easier. And 1st of all is our own system in the company, because it is still not well organized as an strong infrastructure and we also need a well studied design model for this infrastructure for our company. Thats where I planned to made a Special database system to our company, which will be including our employees, our daily customers for each season, and our sales of cars on this season on as well covered by the invoice section of the company, and some specific information about our shipment idea and its fee and coverage services. The good thing is that with this new system we will be able to make a clear and direct relational between all the sections mentioned above and make a really strong infrastructure for the company plus to be able to store information and data more sufficiently. In this segment I would like to give you an idea about the goals and aims that we are aiming to achieve and they are: Improve the business even much further, to reach a new level of development. Reduce the paper work as we had a lost of some data from time to time. To always keep up with the other contenders companies so we wont lose our customers. Secure our data in a sufficient way. Provide a system where it is easy to get data for any of our customers. Improvement of production to satisfy the customers needs. Easy access to database and information used by employees. Remove barriers to widen its production by improving sales procedure and reducing costs. Hardware and Software Necessity These are all the hardware requirements needed Minimum Requirements Processor 2 Gigahertz (GHz) Pentium IV-Intel processor or Higher. Memory 512 MB of RAM or Higher. Hard Disk 900 MB of available space required on the system drive, 4 gigabytes (GB) of available space capacity on the installation drive. Drive DVD-ROM or CD-ROM drive and Floppy drive Display Super VGA (1024 x 768) or higher resolution. These are all the software requirements needed Minimum Requirements Operating Systems Windows XP Service Pack Final, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 any edition with MS-Office. H I S T O R Y DMC Companys history is not that much as the company only established two years ago, but in those two years we can say that the company earned its name and make various successful that led it to earn a respectful history archive in the day it starts doing business till our day now. Specification for New System The main purpose from making this new application in my company is 1st to achieve the objectives that DMC is aiming to achieve, 2nd to make the business much easier for the customer and the employee as each of them will have the advantage of these kind of applications in our business. Also the cars sales section (which is the Cars Details) will be much more attractive this way, and as it shows all the possible information that needed at the same time. That goes for the employee and customers tables as well; they are helping the company over all by making it progressing even much faster and also to reduce the paper work. About Us table shows the company in a really short cut way, and its true words shows on this section, also for the producer of this application to have his word on that section. Also the shipment tables is an important section and it is one of the reasons to determine whether a certain car sales company is really know about its business and can keep up, or sadly but have no idea about this field of business as it helps a lot in showing exactly the steps taking to ship your car and to not need to discuss any of the employee about it because it is very clear. On the other hand, last one but not last, is Plate Info table, which holds all the plate number for the cars that have been purchased from our company, and also saving the numbers from the other cars for the customers that are ding services for their own car. BUISNESS ACTIVITIES OPERATIONS DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS Þ Assign an Employee to handle a certain invoice. Þ Check the Country of the Customer to make the delivery shipment service for his/her order. Þ Adding an Employee to the company. Þ Assign a Unique ID to a Customer. Þ Adding a new Car to the showcase. Operation Name: Assign an Employee to handle a certain invoice. Description: This operation handles the fact that when we are having a new invoice table, we hand it over to a certain employee, and a (certain) employee means that he/she is not busy with another invoice or another operation in the moment. Input: The assigned Employee must appear his/her unique ID number, along with his name, and should be clear to read. Output: The Employee will be responsible for that invoice, and handle its full data. ============================ Operation Name: Check the Country of the Customer to make a delivery shipment service for his/her order. Description: This operation handles the action when the Customer wants to make a shipment service for his current order and to make it to a certain country. Input: The Customer must give information about the destination (Country) area where he/she wants to deliver the order. Output: The Customer will be given an information about the shipment service such as the fee that known for that country. ============================ Operation Name: Adding an Employee to the company. Description: As DMC expanding greatly in the past years, we are making this issue more than usual lately, and it is about recruiting a new employee to the company, further adding his information to the database. Input: For this operation we need to have the new Employee Name, Age, Nationality, and his/her Date of Birth to be able to add him/her to our database. Output: The new Employee will be added to our database, and will be given a Unique ID number to be known as one of DMC employees. ============================ Operation Name: Assign a Unique ID to a Customer. Description: This operation deals with having a new customer and need to be having his/her information in our database to be given an ID number for easily checking the customer status when he/she makes more orders in the future. Input: To make this operation successful, we need to have basic information yet helpful for us such as Name, Age, and Contact number. Output: The Customer has been given a unique ID number. BUSINESS ACTIVITIES This section describes the operations of DMC Company which is as I mentioned before but in more specific it deals with car sales that the company get from other retailers which recently built up a really strong relationship with DMC and are getting the best deals to expand our business. So mainly DMC deals with customers with services, and we do car sale business, also we are very restrict with our system and the invoice we made are very clear for every car, further our employees are doing their best in every deal been made for each car. And more to mention here for our upcoming Database building is that we are going to build a new design system model that contains Cars, Employee, Invoice, Shipment, and Customer. Those Five elements that I mentioned above will be our main focus on this database design, as it is in general what DMC is is all about. For that matter here we are going to explain in details every Element we have for our Design Model, been explained by including its Attributes and a brief description about its main purpose. And every element will be known later on in the database description as Entity. Invoice Entity This entitys main purpose is to keep track of the sales, and for every deal that have been sold by whom as an employee and for whom as a customer, also it will display all the data necessary about the product (Car) AND ITS Unique ID, plus other major information such as total price and the invoice reset number, whats more is this entity acts as the main entity related to all the other entities as it is also related to the (Shipment) entity as it also saves the shipment number in the invoice paper. The Attributes that have been made for this Entity are: Invoice_Number, Customer_ID, Employee_ID, Shipment_Nmber, Total_Price, and Car_ID, and we will be talking about all the attributes for every entity in more details later on. Cars Entity This entity deals with all the cars that the company DMC stores, and contains all its details such as the car brand name, its color and the car ID, and the shipment number for every specific shipment that been made, along with the most important attribute for all the customers which is: the cars price. Employee Entity This entity here will be busy of containing the Employee_ID, Name, Age, Nationality, and Date of Birth, it will be also including two separated types of employees and they are: Part Time, and Full Time. Customer Entity This Entity is busy with giving the full information needed about the customers we are dealing with such as their Customer_ID, Name, Age, Contact_Number, and these information will be helpful in many facts in our company such as in making our invoices and assigning a specific car for a certain customer. Shipment Entity Shipment entity is one of the services that made our company earn its name in such a short time, as this service allow a full shipment service for as much as needed for cars for our customers viewed with its price, and a unique Shipment_Number, also the Country attributes as it tells the destination for each shipment services and the Fee attribute to tells the price for each country shown on the list. BUSINESS RULES In this section we will be listing DMC companys main rules in its business, as for our customers for an example they are able to buy as much cars as they can with no any problems but for our cars in the stock we cannot offer to sell the car for more than one and only one customer, also with our employees as any 1 of our employees can deal with more than just one car, but for the cars they should be dealt with only one employee to make the sell process. And as for these examples here we will be listing all the business rules for our company to make sure to be followed as it is: For every Shipment service that been made, it has to be assigned into an invoice that is related to it and that is a MUST. Every Car in stock can have one invoice specialize for it; same goes for the invoice as we made only one car can fit in each invoice rather than more than just one to make the business more flexible. Every Car can have a shipment service depends on the customers need, and as for this shipment service, it can be done for more than just one car as well, but it should be made for at least one car for this service to be available. For every single customer, he/she can belong to more than just one invoice depends on the orders he/she made and how many cars been bought, and in the other hand for the invoice it can only belong to one and only one customer, means we cannot include two customers buying the same car model in one invoice because they sold the same car model. Every employee can handle more than just one invoice when making the selling process, he/she can serve more than just one invoice, but for the invoices, every invoice should be handled by only one employee. Also we have to make sure that we wont start the buying process for our customers unless we have their personal data in our database system. For our new employees, we cannot let them start working in active business unless the process of having their personal information inside our database is done. INITIAL E.R DESIGN SPECIFICATION TABLE SPECIFICATION Inside DMC database I would like to create few modules and show the way to create them, and the purpose of making them, plus the reason of every column, so they can help me on the objectives Im aiming to achieve which they are: Database Description My database consists of five tables (And two sub-type tables that will be mentioned later on) and they are: Cars Invoice Customer Employee Shipment Table Specification Table Name: Invoice Table Description: To be used as a reference of all the sales of the company. Attribute of the Table: Invoice_Number, Customer_ID, Car_ID, Employee_ID, Shipment_Number, Total_Price. Table Type: Independent. Primary Key: Invoice_Number. ============================ Table Name: Customer Table Description: To be shown the customer basic information, along with his/her unique ID number. Attribute of the Table: Customer_ID, Name, Age, Contact_Number. Table Type: Independent Primary Key: Customer_ID ============================ Table Name: Employee Table Description: To be shown the Employee private data inside the database. Attribute of the Table: Employee_ID, Name, Nationality, Date of Birth. Table Type: Independent (Supertype) Primary Key: Employee_ID ============================ Table Name: Cars Table Description: To be shown the Car basic data, along with the cars price and its shipment number. Attribute of the Table: Brand_Name, Color, Car_ID, Shipment_Number, Price. Table Type: Independent Primary Key: Car_ID ============================ Table Name: Shipment Table Description: To be shown more specific information about the shipment service, such as the countries that are available for the service, plus the fee. Attribute of the Table: Shipment_Number, Country, Fee Table Type: Independent Primary Key: Shipment_Number ============================ Table Name: Full Time Table Description: To be shown more specific information about the Full Time employees, such as the Salary for the Full Time employees section, and the administration section which shows each full time employee and hi/her related administration division, along with the Employee ID. Attribute of the Table: Employee_ID, Salary, and Administration. Table Type: Independent (Subtype) Primary Key: Employee_ID ================================ Table Name: Part Time Table Description: To be shown more specific information about the Part Time employees, such as their Salary as well, and the Part time employees time shifting for their work time, and for sure their employee ID.. Attribute of the Table: Employee_ID, Salary, and Time Shifting. Table Type: Independent (Subtype) Primary Key: Employee_ID ATTRIBUTE SPECEFICATION 1. Invoice Entity Name: Invoice Primary Key: Invoice_Number Name Datatype Length Classification Allow Null Constraints Description Invoice_Number Int Simple No Unique A certain unique numbers to keep track of each invoice Customer_ID Varchar (10) Simple No Unique The ID for a customer Employee_ID INT (10) Simple No Unique The unique ID for an employee Car_ID Varchar (10) Simple No Unique The ID for a car Total_Price Double Simple No Unique Total price of a certain invoice Shipment_Number Int (10) Simple No Unique Unique number made for a certain shipment made 2. Cars Entity Name: Cars Primary Key: Car_ID Name Datatype Length Classification Allow Null Constraints Description Brand_Name VarChar (20) Simple No Unique Model name of the car Color VarChar (10) Simple No Unique Color of the car Car_ID Varchar (10) Simple No Unique The ID for a car Shipment_Number Int (20) Simple No Unique Unique number made for a certain shipment made Price Double Simple No Unique Actual Price of a car 3. Employee Entity Name: Employee Primary Key: Employee_ID Name Datatype Length Classification Allow Null Constraints Description Employee_ID INT (10) Simple No Unique The unique ID for an employee Name VarChar (20) Simple No Unique The first name of employee Nationality Varchar (20) Simple No Unique The employees nationality Date of Birth Date Simple No Unique The employees date of birth 4. Customer Entity Name: Customer Primary Key: Customer_ID Name Datatype Length Classification Allow Null Constraints Description Customer_ID Varchar (10) Simple No Unique The ID for a customer Name VarChar (10) Simple No Unique The first name of a customer Age Int (2) Simple No Unique The customer age Contact_Number Int (10) Simple No Unique Customer Contact number 5. Shipment Entity Name: Shipment Primary Key: Shipment_Number Name Datatype Length Classification Allow Null Constraints Description Shipment_Number Int (20) Simple No Unique Unique number made for a certain shipment made Country VarChar (10) Simple No Unique The country where the shipment destination Fee Int (5) Simple No Unique The price of the shipment 6. Full Time (Sub-Type Entity) Entity Name: Full Time Primary Key: Employee_ID Name Datatype Length Classification Allow Null Constraints Description Employee_ID INT (10) Simple No Unique The unique ID for an employee Salary Currency Simple No Unique The salary of a particular employee Administration VarChar (20) Simple No Unique The certain task that the employee is responsible for 7. Part Time (Sub-Type Entity) Entity Name: Part Time Primary Key: Employee_ID Name Datatype Length Classification Allow Null Constraints Description Employee_ID INT (10) Simple No Unique The unique ID for an employee Salary VarChar (10) Simple No Unique The salary of a particular employee Time Shifting Date/Time Simple No Unique The certain day that the employee have his/her work shifts on CODING CREATING OF TABLES CREATING OF TABLES As for my companys project for our database I used Microsoft Office Access 2007, and I started creating tables on it. [1] Cars Table Script Name Create Cars Table CREATE TABLE Cars ( Car_ID VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, Brand_Name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, Color VARCHAR(10) , Shipment_Number INTEGER(20) NOT NULL, Price Double NOT NULL, ); [2] Invoice table Script Name Create Invoice Table CREATE TABLE Invoice ( Invoice_Number INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, Customer_ID VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, Car_ID VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, Shipment_Number INTEGER(10) NOT NULL, Price Double NOT NULL, ); [3] Customer table Script Name Create Customer Table CREATE TABLE Customer ( Customer_ID VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, Name VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, Age INTEGER(2) NOT NULL, Contact_Number INTEGER(10) NOT NULL, ); [4] Employee table Script Name Create Employee Table CREATE TABLE Employee ( Employee_ID VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, Name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, Nationality VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, Date of Birth Date NOT NULL, ); [5] Shipment table Script Name Create Shipment Table CREATE TABLE Shipment ( Shipment_Number INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, Country VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, Fee INTEGER(10) NOT NULL, ); CONSTRAINTS SPECIFICATION Generalization hierarchy on an Employee. Description: This hierarchy assigns the Employee entity as Supertype, and Full Time, Part Time as Subtypes, and since the both subtypes have many similarities, the Supertype have the attributes in common to the subtypes and they are: Employee_ID, Name, Nationality, Date of Birth. . The subtypes cannot be one in another, means the Full Time employee cannot be a Part Time employee, and therefore this generalization hierarchy is of the type disjoint. Type: Disjoint Super type Entity: Employee Super type Primary Key: Employee_ID Common Attributes: Employee_ID, Name, Nationality, Date Of Birth. Constraints Full Time: This subtype entity shows certain data about the Full time employees in the company and their related information which is needed to our database. As for the attributes for this entity: Employee_ID, Salary, Administration. Part Time: This subtype entity shows the data the other type of employees which is the part time employee type. As for the attributes for this entity: Employe_ID, Salary, Time shifting, INITIAL POPULATING OF TABLES Cars Table Populating Table (Cars) INSERT INTO Cars (Brand_Name, Color, Car_ID, Shipment_Number, Price) VALUES (Mustang, Orange, 17111, 11333, 40000) ; Invoice Table Populating Table (Invoice) INSERT INTO Invoice (Invoice_Number, Customer_ID, Car_ID, Employee_ID, Shipment_Number, Total_Price) VALUES (11, 9844, 17633, 1432, 11771, 25) ; Customer Table Populating Table (Customer) INSERT INTO Customer (Customer_ID, Name, Age, Contact_Number) VALUES (9020, Avinash, 39, 2800131) ; Employee Table Populating Table (Employee) INSERT INTO Employee (Employee_ID, Name, Nationality, Date of Birth) VALUES (1422, Vadimas, Libyan, 2/21/1986) ; Shipment Table Populating Table (Shipment) INSERT INTO Shipment (Shipment_Number, Country, Fee) VALUES (11311, Germany, 130) ; Full Time Table Populating Table (Full Time) INSERT INTO Full Time (Employee_ID, Salary, Administration) VALUES (1433, 1300, Secretary) ; Part Time Table Populating Table (Part Time) INSERT INTO Part Time (Employee_ID, Salary, Time Shifting) VALUES (1441, 2000, 3/23/2009) ; USERS INPUT (INSERTION, DELETION, UPDATE) INSERTION: Add New Car (Cars Table) Query name: Insert (New Car in the cars showcase) INSERT INTO Cars (Brand_Name, Color, Car_ID, Shipment_Number, Price) VALUES ([Type the Cars Brand], [Type the Color of the Car ], [The Car ID], [The Shipment Number related to this Car], [The Price of this Car is); INSERTION 2 Here we are going to try to insert a new data into the Shipment form, as we will be using it through the Shipment form insertion button included in that form. Then here the database will ask you if your up for inserting new data into that form And here the data has been inserted successfully below UPDATE: Update New Customer (Customer Table) Query name Update (New Customer in the Customers Table) UPDATE Customer SET Contact_Number = [Enter Customers phone number] WHERE Customer_ID = [ID]; DELETION: Delete a Shipment Country (Shipment Table) DELETE * FROM Shipment WHERE Country = [Enter the Country that will be eliminated]; PERFORMING QUERIES, SUB-QUERIES QUERY [1] (Performing Alias technique into a Query) Description: To manage all the Employees names into one query QUERY [2] (Performing Function technique into a Query) Description: To display all the cars available at the moment QUERY [3] (Performing Concatenation technique into a Query) Description: To give a brief description about each car in the showcase QUERY [4] (Performing Sub-Query technique into a Query) Description: To Create a query from the employee data where it concern only employees who are British. QUERY [5] (Performing another Sub-Query technique into a Query) Description: To Create a query from the Cars data where it concern only the minimum prices of listed cars plus be grouped by the cars brand name. TESTING Test case : 1 Objectives : To use ALIAS in Employee Table Test Data : SELECT NAME AS FULLNAME FROM Employee; Expected Test Result : To display the corresponding records. Actual Test Result : As shown in the image below. Conclusion : Success. The record was displayed. Test case : 2 Objectives : To use ALIAS in Customer Table Test Data : SELECT Name AS CustomerName FROM Customer; Expected Test Result : To display the corresponding records. Actual Test Result : As shown in the image below. Conclusion : Success. The record was displayed. Test case : 3 Objectives : To use ARITHMETIC in Car Table Test Data :SELECT Car_ID, Brand_Name, (Price*2) AS [Price with Shipment] FROM Cars; Expected Test Result : To display the corresponding records. Actual Test Result : As shown in the image below. Conclusion : Success. The record was displayed. Test case : 4 Objectives : To Create Shipment Table Test Data : CREATE Table Shipment ( Shipment_Number int (5), Country varchar (10), Fee money (10) ) ; Expected Test Result : To display the corresponding records. Actual Test Result : As shown in the image below. Conclusion : Success. The record was displayed. Test case : 5 Objectives : To use COMPARISON in Cars Table Test Data : SELECT Car_ID, Brand_Name FROM Cars WHERE Price>6000; Expected Test Result : To display the corresponding records. Actual Test Result : As shown in the image below. Conclusion : Success. The record was displayed. Test case : 6 Objectives : To use COMPARISON in Shipment Table Test Data : SELECT Shipment_Number, Country FROM Shipment WHERE Fee Expected Test Result : To display the corresponding records. Actual Test Result : As shown in the image below. Conclusion : Success. The record was displayed. Test case : 7 Objectives : To Create Cars table Test Data : CREATE Table Cars ( Car_ID int (5), Shipment_Number int (5), Brand_Name varchar (10), Color varchar (10), Price (10) ) ; Expected Test Result : To display the corresponding records. Actual Test Result : As shown in the image below. Conclusion : Success. The record was displayed. Test