Monday, December 30, 2019

Influence Of A Great Philosopher And The Metaphysic Of...

The Influence of a Great Philosopher and the Metaphysic of Divine Providence. Marcus Tullius Cicero was born on January 3rd 106 BC in Arpinum and assassinated on the 7th of December 43 BC (Cicero, 2016) Cicero was murdered during the consulship of the 2nd Catilinarian conspiracy. Cicero executed five conspirators during the chaotic latter in the 1st Century BC marked by the civil wars and under the dictatorship of Gaius Julius Caesar. Cicero returned to the republic government after the late Julius Caesar death Cicero became an enemy to Mark Anthony. After a power struggle Cicero was executed being an enemy to the state by the second Triumvirate in 43 BC. As an ancient leader Cicero successful leadership and background trait promoted great abilities. Cicero was a Roman philosopher, orator, politician theorist, consul, lawyer, and a Constitutionalist. In addition, the interconnection amongst the great historical philosopher’s alike Cicero concludes a strategy to conform unity i n communication. The Cicero influence interface European literature and ideas exceeding the aim for communicating thoughts by merely recognizing one object can connect to various objects in the realms of humanizing faith matters. The focus needed to be reconstructed since the western physics has had a misconception of the forces and particles in â€Å"Space time† and how it related to divine providence which has a nature and a force of its own. Cicero scientific founded through the Latin language exposingShow MoreRelated Hinduism and Buddhism Essay6699 Words   |  27 Pagestheologians have interpreted the term God as representing some kind of abstract principle of good. This view was first developed in the ancient Indian Upanishads where God is equated with an abstract principle, the Brahman. The ancient Indian philosophers could entertain such a view because they also had a theory of karma, which really does away with the need for a personal God. Buddhists too have a theor y of karma, which is different from that of the Hindus, and which even more unequivocally dispensesRead Moreontemporary Thinkers: Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Aguinas Essay6220 Words   |  25 Pageseducation, both theoretical and practical, continues until the age of fifty. Literature, music, physical and military instruction, elementary and advanced mathematics, philosophy and metaphysics, and subordinate military and civilian- service assignments are the stages of the planned program of training philosopher-rulers.†(E. amp; E. , pg 7) This class of people exclude individual interests, such as private property, material possessions, and love. This class puts wisdom above all else, and eventually

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Red Convertible--Analysis - 1982 Words

Returning Home: The Lasting Effects Casualties of war continue to happen long after the individuals time in combat has come to an end. To the public’s eye, veterans returning home must be overwhelmed with joy to be out of danger and put back into the world they once knew. But are they? Veterans returning home from combat experience are faced with the difficult task of coping with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and its side effects, because of their experiences in combat. In Lousie Erdrich’s, â€Å"The Red Convertible† and Wilfred Owen’s, â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est† we can see how and why a returning veteran, such as Henry, would have trouble readapting to his former environment and handling the symptoms of PTSD. First, in order for us†¦show more content†¦Within his poem he describes some of the struggles of war. He states, â€Å"Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots But limped on, blood shod. All went lame; all blin d; Drunk with fatigue†(709). He describes the overwhelming exhaustion that war takes on the human body. The body continues to fight on and survive. He continues with, â€Å"Gas! Gas! Quick, boys!--An ecstasy of fumbling, Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time†(709). This description allows us to realize that even when the body was at complete exhaustion, as described earlier, the men stay vigilant at all times in order to stay alive. At any moment death could be at their doorstep and they must be ready to combat it. Not all men were able to react as quickly as need be in wartime, as described by, â€Å"As under a green sea, I saw him drowning. In all my dreams before my helpless sight, He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.†(709). He is unable to do anything for his dying brother, friend and fellow soldier. This is the most important glimpse into what soldiers face in the field of battle that stays with them for the rest of their lives. At poi nts within the war, many were faced with the realization that somebody very close was dying right in front of them and there was nothing they could do to assist them. This poem can serve as the missing link for the reader to, attempt, to imagine what Jenkins 4 everyday life could be like during wartime for Henry. Even though thisShow MoreRelatedCritical Analysis Of The Red Convertible2200 Words   |  9 PagesPedro Ramirez English 2100 Critical Analysis Essay 11/6/17 Being an outsider is a common experience that can be difficult for people to overcome and describe. â€Å"The Red Convertible† is a good example of an outsider and can breakdown what it’s like to be in this social status. This short story shows Henry’s transition to becoming an outsider, and all the changes that occur to him differentiates an insider from an outsider. Henry is seen by his younger brother, Lyman, as a bestRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Red Convertible 951 Words   |  4 PagesThe Red Convertible is a story about the relationship that two brothers share before and after the eldest goes to war. In the beginning of the story we meet the brothers, Henry and Lyman. It then becomes apparent that the younger of the two, Lyman, is the narrator. (Erdrich 103) Lyman worked his way up to owner of a restaurant and Henry worked at a Jewel Bearing Plant. Not long after, Henry recieves his two weeks pay after being laid off from his job at the plant and Ly man has been given an insuranceRead MoreAnalysis Of Cathedral And The Red Convertible 1362 Words   |  6 PagesSukhpreet Kaur Professor Robert Sternberg EAC 150 Date- August 5, 2016 Topic - In both â€Å"Cathedral† and â€Å"The Red Convertible,† one character attempts to help another overcome a state of unhappiness and hopelessness. Happiness and Hope are the two most important blessings in life. Happiness is the ultimate reason for living. It is not relevant just to a single person but it is important for the whole global community. Hope is that great thing in life that gives strength to people to live life, evenRead MoreAn Analysis Of The Red Convertible By Louise Erdrich1018 Words   |  5 PagesThe Red Convertible The short story â€Å"The Red Convertible† by Louise Erdrich is a story the author uses to shed light on the effects of mental illness on Vietnam era returning combat veterans. The story includes the effects not just on the veterans, also on their family and community. The acceptance and treatment of mental illness in veterans takes on new meaning with the recent increase in veterans returning from extended periods of service suffering from the disease of mental illness. The treatmentRead MoreThe Red Convertible Short Story Analysis Essay774 Words   |  4 PagesChase Brown Oliva 9/22/12 English 102 Short Story Analysis: The Red Convertible â€Å"The Red Convertible† by Louise Erdrich is a short story about two Native American brothers, Lyman and Henry, and their growing bond as brothers. Symbolism is used rather heavily in this story. One of the main symbols of the story, as noted in the title, is the red convertible. The red convertible symbolizes the relationship status of the two brothers, and the struggles they face as Henry is drafted into theRead MoreEssay on Literary Analysis: The Red Convertible 1874 Words   |  8 Pagesdistanced portrayal of events. However it can also be an expression of perceptive truth, events are experienced much they would be in real life – confusing and disjointed. To look into these narrative elements of text, I will use examples from â€Å"The Red Convertible† by Lois Erdrich to demonstrate how Lyman’s narration style is representative of psychoanalytic concepts, showing how he deals with the situations presented in his life. Oftentimes the lens we use when interpreting any art is based on ourRead MoreAnalysis Of The Red Convertible By Louise Erdrich2044 Words   |  9 Pageslives and a lot of money, but it also has serious influences on veterans. In the short story â€Å"The Red Convertible,† written by Louise Erdrich, concerns a relationship of an American brothers, Lyman and Henry before and after the Vietnam War. Before the war, they are close, happy, and passionate. They travel together throughout the country and share lots of beautiful memories with the red convertible, which they truly appreciate. However, when the war begins, Henry has to join the army and fight inRead MoreAn Analysis Of Louise Erdrich s The Red Convertible 840 Words   |  4 Pagesimportant than the characters of the story. In Louise Erdrich s The Red Convertible, the car played the same important role as the characters did, but for different reasons. Two brothers, Lyman and Henry, had very little in common other than their blood. One day they decided to catch a ride to Winnipeg. The car was introduced while these two were doing some sightseeing in the city. They spotted the red Oldsmobile convertible. Lyman, the storyteller, almost made the car a living thing when he saidRead MoreAnalysis Of The Story Red Convertible The Two Brothers 997 Words   |  4 PagesIn the short story Red Convertible the two brothers, as close as they are, you really never know how someone is or feels or acts unless you truly know what they’ve been through or if you are them and have gone through what they’ve been through. The brother have always been close they’re whole life but the split really changes one. Lyman and Henry really have a true connection with each other. The car they bought together without really thinking twice about it and they shared it really just showsRead MoreThe Red Convertible1584 Words   |  7 Pagesculture, the red is the color of faith, and represents communication. The short story The Red Convertible by Louise Erdrich is more than an emotional story about the lives of two Chippewa brothers who grew up together on an Indian reservation in North Dakota. Erdrich uses metaphor, symbol, vivid imagery and a simple writing style to allow the reader to understand the text while also providing the opportunity to read a lot into the story. Written in the first person by Lyman Larmartine, The Red Convertible

Friday, December 13, 2019

Dr Pepper Analysis Free Essays

Individuals, companies, schools, restaurants Bargaining power: low, since Coke supplies a numerous variety of products buyers do to have a huge impact on pricing and quantity. Also, customers develop brand loyalty to Coke, thereby making it difficult for buyers to affect prices and quantities as well. Suppliers: fasted restaurants, vending machines, school campuses. We will write a custom essay sample on Dr Pepper Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Bargaining power: very high, since companies can easily provide Pepsi products which serve as excellent substitutes. Compliments: pizza, burgers, hot dogs, chips, etc SOOT Strengths Weaknesses Concentrated in North America (US, Canada, Mexico where almost 70% of revenues come from Health Craze will hurt soft drink sales Opportunities Acquisitions alliances Bottled water growth Hispanic growth in the US and Pepsin’s ability to meet their tastes with current product lines (I. E. , Substrata chips) Growth In emerging markets Growing consumer health consciousness will help Pepsi as It Is already a leader In non-carbonated drinks with brands Storage, Aquifer, Lipton; and also with healthy food brands such as Quaker oats. Threats Declining economy/recession Sluggish growth of carbonated drinks Coca-Cola ; other smaller, more nimble operators Commodity price increases, fluctuating oil prices effect production and distribution gas, plastic) IV) SOOT annals;s of PEPSICO Soot consists of examining the current activities of the organization: its strengths and weaknesses, and then using this and external research data to set out the opportunities and threats that exist. A. Internal Strong market position PepsiCo NAS a tremendous presence on ten snack Ana sort rural market. Inane, TN company owns 25% of the non-alcoholic drinks market and 39% of the snack market. * Good economic situation In 2008, PepsiCo was ranked 26th on the top 100 of the global brands ranking in 2008. The same brand value company has raised PepsiCo as an example during the recession: â€Å"Amazon, Pepsi, Audio, Panasonic, and Campbell have all prospered during a challenging year for marketing executives. † PepsiCo most famous brands are all very famous and successful. Thanks to this notoriety, PepsiCo annual sales reach $35 billion. Rand’s Popularity of Pepsi has a wide range of brands. These brands are more famous than the Coca Cola Company’s ones. For example: people know what Lipton Teas, Tropical beverages or Traitors Tortilla Chips refer to, whereas: who has heard of Pike, Chino r Spur? On this point, PepsiCo is inexorably in a strong position. * Presence PepsiCo has spread its presence in over 200 countries. Products from this brand are sold all over the world. * Diversification PepsiCo brands include drinks and snacks such as ready-to-drink refreshments, bottled water, cereals, crisps or school-snacks. This wide range of product enables the brand to settle down in any place of the world. Lack of capital constraints (availability of large free cash flow) Strong market position Solid brand portfolio Strong revenue growth Economies of scale Broader product line Popular brand of pop * Geographical concentration PepsiCo tends to focus its activity in North America (US, Canada, Mexico). Almost 70% of revenues come from this region. * Dependence on important clients A big part of PepsiCo sales (12%) are made to Wall-Mart, which creates a dependence supplier-client. Consequently, Wall-Mart’s strategy influences PepsiCo actions, especially on lowering prices. * Bad remunerations PepsiCo employees are less paid than the competitors’ ones. It may alter the employees’ excellence or productivity: they might want to work for a company that revives higher salaries for the same Job. * High recall I en product recalls are Deterrent. I en problem nerve Is Tanat ten return causes are internal: the defects come from the production, they don’t come from transports or storage. For example: the salmonella case forced PepsiCo to recall $200,000 worth of pistachios in the US in 2009. Product recalls decrease the final customers’ confidence in the brand. It inevitably alters the company’s image. B. External Threats * New measures for health Many occidental governments are creating new regulations and campaigns in order to change people’s eating behavior. Snacks and soft drinks are the first â€Å"victims† of this ideological renewal. Coca-Cola is the worst competitor for DRP Pepper because it is more powerful in terms of image and notoriety. In this sector, competition is so sharp that it has a direct influence on prices and sales. * Many successful brands DRP Pepper brands are successful, well-known and they have a good reputation. The products sold by the company are still very popular to the public. A good marketing activity maintains the company in a good situation and confers it a good image. * Quest of other markets If the fact to be concentrated on North America is a weakness, let’s say that this is also an interesting challenge of market conquest, for example in Russia or Asia. PepsiCo is powerful; it has enough resources to develop all around the world. * Customer’s well-being An important value, which growth is correlated to new regulations on health, is the customer’s well-being. It has become the guideline of a marketing operation in the soft drinks market. This notion gives PepsiCo the opportunity to increase innovation for soft drinks. Indeed, the more original and creative you are, the more successful your product will be. How to cite Dr Pepper Analysis, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Operation Management Reflection Paper †

Question: Discuss about the Operation Management Reflection Paper. Answer: Institutional Affiliation Management operation: thought process behind an action plan The process of brainstorming on a plan to make kidney dialysis fluid was mainly based on quality, cost, and storage. Questions asked in the action plan sought to answer quality and availability expectations for not only the patients but also the hospitals and dialysis centers, which are target as the market for the product. In my view, the target market was also a consideration since it is important to know how substantial the target market is and if it can support the business once operations begins. This consideration would include hospitals known to have dialysis machines and any specialized knowledge needed in the operation. Common complications arising from dialysis like anemia, low blood pressure and fluid retention were also studied for the possibility of research and development coming up with a fluid concentration causing less related complications(Biernacki Pittsburgh, n.d). We also addressed the availability of delivery schedules with consideration for any necessary pre-dialysis periods by the hospital and to plan production volumes, which would determine required technology and it, cost, a factor, which would be included in the budget to be presented to potential investors(Symons Goldstein, 2011). Production personnel required would help in the knowledge of which steps in the production process could be automated. In addition, we also believed that it would help to approximate the number of employees needed, including the average expected salary, which would form part of the budget. Knowledge of raw materials would influence location of production industry based on the cost and difficulty of their transportation. Because being cost effective is one of the goals in doing business, the cheaper method of storage, which is hiring a warehouse whose maintenance would be the owners responsibility was chosen. I believe this approach would also help in searching for potential suppliers and think of suitable ways to test supplies for quality. Before any production plant is set up, it must adhere to standards set by environmental organizations and follow all set legal procedures by the government. In my opinion, I presume that improving the process would mean to make it much faster and possibly with better results. Automation is a precise, fast, and labor-intensive way of improving the process and can be applied to quality assurance, mixing, and size reduction processes. We gathered our information from medical journals on the dialysis process, optimal composition of the fluid, complications arising from dialysis, and the defined limits of what dialysis can and cannot do. After this research, we discovered that there is room for improvement in this field and that the process is very delicate, requiring precise amounts of its different components. Each individual in the tutorial group was assigned a facet of the report, which they were to analyze in depth. The best primary system definition assumed in our inquiry is that of a system to define chemical inputs to achieve a predicted chemical product, which means that the various components were defined by their specific measurements and used to make the kidney dialysis fluid. However, an alternative definition which would apply is a system to define chemical inputs to improve a predicted chemical product, which in this case meant that as much as production of a dialysis fluid has a standard formula, through research and development we intend to create a similar or better product using different means. Bibliography Biernacki, A., Pittsburgh. (n.d). Kidney care begins with kidney smart. Retrieved March 18, 2018, from Divata Kidney Care. Symons, J. M., Goldstein, S. L. (2011). Pediatric Renal Replacement Therapy in the Intensive Care Unit. In Pediatric Critical Care. Elsevier Inc. Hemodialysis, A. (2006). Clinical practice guidelines for hemodialysis adequacy, update 2006. American journal of kidney diseases: the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation, 48, S2. Block, G. A., Raggi, P., Bellasi, A., Kooienga, L., Spiegel, D. M. (2007). Mortality effect of coronary calcification and phosphate binder choice in incident hemodialysis patients. Kidney international, 71(5), 438-441.